Well, it was a strange and crazy week. Wushu performed for racial harmony and I wore this. People were allowed to wear the costumes but not many wore. Funnily enough chemistry class there is two excluding me!

That's Me and Melissa ;)

Me and Sangeetha. I kinda freaked when she did the v sign and copied her wushu style!
Dang, I look kinda cool!
I kinda got struck by an idea and been holding on to it. Hmm. You know, no one really believes that I don't like someone. This explains why through my secondary school years and now, they have been speculating who I really liked. Is that something in my face that's why? Haha
Half the class think I like Cherie, the other half thinks I like Zoe. Actually its not really half, but those who have an opinion are saying this. Hmn. Why can't they just think that I happen to be so ultra charming that both likes me! HAHA!
[jumps around in laughter]
Well... Some speculate I'm gay. That's what I AM! GAY = HAPPY!
I'm GAY (the happy one)
I'm GAY (the happy one)
I'm GAY (the happy one)
I'm GAY (the happy one)
I'm GAY (the happy one)
I'm GAY (the happy one)
[this scenario has turned retarded so the channel muted this program until the anchorman gets himself together]
Seriously, dudes, I like someone already and my heart is buried with that person. And I won't tell and I won't know! C'mon say awwww
[say awwww. Not very difficult. just open your mouth]
[I really mean it. Please say it]
lmao. enough bad jokes.
Anyway on a serious note, a friend told me the importance of sharing Christ. You could be the chosen one. Or its your call[1800 C-A-L-L-4-G-O-D. lmao]
But let's just face it, would you like to see people who are your family and your friends burn in Hell?
Do you have the conviction to want to save them and tell them of the Saviour's love?
Am I cowering behind the fear of what will people think? Did it stop me?
Ow... too much hard questions. I'm off to drink water.