Tuesday, May 6, 2008


You enter a surprisely well-dusted room, this makes it creepier, if the author of the holographic journal whom you were tracking down using that, it was as if he was deliberately baiting you. Nevertheless, a quick rudimentary search of the room reveal a black chip.

6 May

Ah.. words fail me, time and again. I find that conflict in the world often occurs arounds words and pride.

Well, things happen, especially if you for your own ego find it very hilarious to break others with words that is.

There's a reason why we have two ears and one mouth, to hear more than we speak, so that we understand each other more.

Is there a kind of irony when i am viewing Mind your language as well? I won't know. ANyway, i'm kinda aspiring to follow Ephesian 4:29 , not to let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but use to to build on the needs of others so that they can benefit.

Trying to be a better man is easier said than done when Cherie is such an easy target.

But still, words are cheap. I'll affirm it through my actions. Thats what honorable men do.

1 comment:

Cherie Witchay said...

I'm rising to the challenge, bring it on!