Note to self. Kill myself ASAP!
Painful morning, I woke up with a searing sore throat. I can eat, but when i'm doing anything, it hurts. Like hell.
Arggg. I conducted some business and it was bloody. I'm getting old. Think that I will get shit and blood. Never thought so, until today.
Yes. I shit. I bleed. It hurts. Like hell.
Whaaaaatttt. It huuuuurrrrrtssss you know.
Well, I've been on many events, one is the school prize presentation for jokers like me who won prizes based on academic achievements. I won the literature prize. Well... it ain't no nobel prize.
Then we had a student leaders swearing in. I felt like swearing.[It IS funny. LAUGH.] I became the group of people i never really liked at all. Irony Irony Irony
Then they gave us some weird cake for national day. I'm so sorry... I'm not a nationalist! SO I ATE THE FLAG! I CHOMP MY COUNTRY'S FLAG!

It was kinda tasty you know. Muhahaha.
Then as a class[sort of] we went to sentosa. It was weird. I never got around to buying ketchup. Neither was there any hot girls. [what's the link you moron?] What's the link? well, i could use the ketchup to fake a nosebleed. [or I can use my bleeding a**]
Well, the teacher came along.We played. Foreigners mistook us for ping pong players. Typical Typical Typical. Foreigner tackled Arthur for a bet. Typical Typical Typical Teenagers. Then people discussed about psychobabble of attraction. Apparently girls touch their hair when they are attracted to guys. And guys will always want to talk to girls if they are attracted to the girl.
Only one problem. WHAT IF THEY WERE GAY? heh heh. My opinion on this? As reliable as the weather forecast. The human behavior is a complex mathematical equation with too many variables. Shift one variable, it changes your answer dramatically. Only one person knows that equation. And it is as sure as hell not me.
Then the second problem. ME. I know about this. But will I act on this to confuse people? Definitely yes. Hoo hoo hoo ha ha ha! DO I talk lots to people? YES! and to guys and girls!
ON a more serious tone, this pain on my physical body makes me really yearn to go home. Well, I suppose it helps that most of my dreams involve me dying or me dead already or me doing wierd stuff or me not there at all.
Well... I been thinking, what to do about the living when I'm dead? Okay guys, if any of you appear on my coffin, be sure to make some jokes and sing "Oh He's a jolly old fellow". At least I laugh to my grave. or ashes. or urn.
Don't give my comics to my brother. He never bought one. Give him the inspirational books. [*conspiratorial whisper]
IF ITS ABOUT my love life... Well... if i die, it won't matter. you know why? Cause i'll be dead! Hoo ha ha ha.
To my friends. Well, don't do that dung about wailing and calling me to come back. I guess, I'll be quite annoyed to have to sneak out of heaven because a buddy was wailing. [trust me i might be floating over your bed and say: "Hey don't emo leh". Imagine that.]
Be in peace with each other. Love each other. We don't have very long with each other to hate each other to whatever extent. Let's face it, in the end, we are too dead to care if we hate each other or not!
If there's any outstanding work... I'm sorry. I'm too dead to do it!
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