Friday, March 21, 2008

Rain down on me

Feeling parched, you turn to the kitchen to get yourself some water. You drink from the tap, while your watchful eyes scan the area for a possible PAGE (Personal Anamnesis Genetic Entry) or numbers (like a safe) to the electronic holographic diary you hold under your arm, disguised as an innocent leather bound book, not that innocently, as it was stained with blood, presumably the owner's blood. You look at the refrigerator, noting the scarce amount of notes or photographs on it. All it had a a palm sized magnet in the shape of a fish fixing a note to buy fish. Suspicion bombarded you. You reach for the magnet and flip it over. There was a black chip embedded in the magnet. You extract it and plug it into the book to read an entry. this time round, instead of a face, you see a transcript.

21 March

Today is Good Friday and I was with a couple of Church pals for a cell group outing. My parents and my little brother went to Malaysia for a holiday. The sky was ominous and the sound of thunder threatened a thunderstorm, which would wreck our outdoor games plans. When we went on a bus to a church pal(Joey)'s condo, it rained.

I was humming 'Rain down on me' (a christian song) earlier in the morning.
[Indian raindance in background ]

I think, we were lucky enough that when we reached the place, we found that the rain had eluded the place completely and we had some ball games. I got a blister from running all over the tennis court barefooted, but it was nothing compared to another guy(Edwin)'s open blisters. Speaking of Edwin, the guy is quite the climber. He scaled a wall for fun and he climbed up the height of a tennis court wall to pick up balls. I think we could thank God for such kindness, even when we keep hearing the rumbling of thunder, there was no rain.
[Burst of light then a holy voice rumbled in anger, 'COULD? IT SHOULD BE SHOULD!' Lightning strikes the author, leaving a pile of smouldering ash where he once stood.]

After the games, some of us went to eat. And now I am back here, telling to you about this.

Frankly, I say many times to myself on everyday. Now is a good time to die. Especially today.
[Ravens caw. You notice the Grim Reaper behind the author, with a scythe raised]

Why do I say that? I don't think dying is a big deal. At least, I die happy, knowing that things aren't left hanging, I like most of you people, spent good time with most of you people.
[Ahem is heard]

Seems kinda selfish eh? What about people who will be saddened by someone's death? Is it all justified, saying all these mean words to show arrogance that you knwoing you won't die too soon say such a thing?
[Rumbling of dissent]

I say, that ain't pessimism. That is carpe diem or known as seize the day.

Well, I cannot say that I am definitely like this, but know this ; we are already doomed to die the minute we were born.
['Ahems' heard]

What would one do then? If I had all the answers, I won't read them. Life won't be very interesting anymore if you had all the answers, its more like a learning process with a time limit, some have longer time limit but miss the point, others had shorter time limits and in it, learn from it. Well, carpe diem is the word today.
[Yoddeling heard, the author joins them.]

You realize this deviation from the normal holographic conversations was a clue, your eyes pounce at the first word, first letter of the bracketed comments. Your eyes see this pattern which forms a word.


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