Wednesday, March 26, 2008


You flip to the next entry, you see the author's face. This time, he looks drenched in sweat. Nevertheless, he keeps his dazzling smile in spite of obvious physical fatigue. The author looks very happy in the entries, which made you feel a pang of worry over his abrupt disappearance and these ominious bloodstains on his holographic journal. He speaks. You listen.

March 26

Today was kinda weird day, I woke up later than usual, due to my forgetting of arming the alarm. But I wasn't late for school. That was through God's grace, small reminders that He is in my life no matter what and would deliver me. I pray for you who read this blog too, good friend, may you be walking the way that pleases God.
[Traffic Jam]

Wushu(chinese martial arts) practice was today, I learnt rudimentary skills of Quan Fa(Fist skill, my bad for such poor translation). I really pushed myself for this, I was sweating buckets. But training is still training. No reason why I do it, no reason why I should quit.

"Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the
topless towers of Ilium?" - Doctor Faustus

[Insert in author's photograph]
[Retching heard]
[Marlowe rising from the grave in anger]

Ah well, that's all folks.
[Author moons you]

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