Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Routine, comfortable, easy and irritating at times
1 May
May beckons. Today is labour day, it is why I could speak. Anyway, i suspect blogging at more than once per week is a little too much. I suspect I may have to cut down soon.
While I munch on some delectable grapes, it kinda reminded me of rising food prices now around the world.
Price of rice shooting up. The asia's poor hard-pressed to cope.
Then I open my economics textbook to study, I see the case study of European Union's agriculture price controls to ensure farmers do not suffer from fluctuations in price of food. They get over-production.
Open TIME magazine; the negative impact of growing corn for biofuel industry.
The urging of the school administration for over-zealous students not to throw birthday cakes for (obviously) birthdays.
At the same time, a charity-cum-logo design competition with World Vision(Christian charity organization to feed the hungry) was in the school too.
I think there should be a kinda twisted irony or someone up there is giving mixed signals. Either that or I'm on the entirely wrong channel. Or it could be a simple fact of just don't play with your food.
You know, its kinda routine now, for me to whine. I HAVE NOT ENOUGH HOMEWORK!
[Murderous students behind him]
heh heh. I was speaking to Zoe over MSN and she had this to say about my entries.
"So young and so untender?"
To rip off my good friend Loo Zhen Hao: "Aiyahhhh, Children nowadays." After all, I'm not very young, but to finish that rip off from King Lear, this is what I must rip off and slightly disfigure.
"So young, madam, and true."
Haw Haw Haw.
My brother got a strange swelling of the gums. No, people, its not scurvy. Well, if it were, it would be funny too. Anyway, he is in real discomfort. I pray he gets well soon, because its his exams soon.
In conclusion, the end.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's about life
29 April
April goes off soon. Project Work would move off to the next stage. I can hear the Jaws music.
[Author was swimming, he does's notice the black fins behind]
Anyway, two days ago, the whole extended family converged upon an aunt's house to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.

What do you expect me to say? Some insanely emotional speech? Some abstract philosophical thinking for happiness?
Naw. I won't say that. I just say its was a birthday worth going to(no, not just becasue of the food). What else could you expect? What else could I hope for? What else could I say?
I ain't gonna have me grandma for a long time. That I know. Live like I'm dying tomorrow. What makes you think I don't know that? I dun think I'm nutty to say I love me grandmother to ends of earth etc. etc. Neither would I be ultra-nostalgic. The past is worth for two-cents of a gaze into an unreliable crystal-ball. Losing yourself in the past is addictive in its escapism.
Well, you see the next picture, of a mildly attractive person. That's Yong Zhi. he posed for me, when we went to the above event.

His attractiveness pales in comparison to his brother. You look far enough, the brother is the regular good-hearted noble dude whose attractiveness I can describe to its injustice. You see a strangeness in his eyes. Is it the light of contentment graced to him by God? Or was it wisdom in God securing him? Perhaps hope and positive spirit inhabiting behind these pupils? I won't know.
Enough about my brother. Anything it was a funny thing today, Shaun remarked something about fooling me so I fill me blog with something else other than dissing Cherie on my blog.
Curious curious. After all, love is a highly irrational thing yet the most rational thing to do. We had for GP, watched a documentary called "Freedom to Marry", something about homosexuals marriage. I (no offense to people who are those people) just think it ain't love, but rather lust. Anyway, I don't care, its not my place or anyone's place save God to enforce anything. It wasn't particularly useful, it me own opinion for betterment of mankind, seeing that it ain't survivial of the fittest. No reproduction, means the useful genes the person might have passed on would not exist.
But like it was said, God is love, We should either love others or just perish. Without love, we ain't much but a bunch of animals scrabbling around. Maybe we already are.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
You sit on your couch, curling yourself as you read this author's holographic journal. You wait for a list of background information on the enigmatic target you now hunt. While you wait, you indulge in the expression of this author's reflections of his life
27 April
Many days have passed since my last entry, I supposed this frenzied entries are in a sense a form of expression of events, kinda like trying to bottle up memories that fade, yellow and distort over time. Its kinda pointless, but I try to do it.
I dunno, too little work for me I guess. Either that or for projects I am damned good at delegation or i'm too underchallenged. I supposed this is some kinda lull before a massacre. People complained about the amount of work they have. I supposed priorities must count[Project mates coming from behind with looks that can kill]
Anyway, for some time since, I fell a curious heaviness slung across my back, like a kinda plank, I turn around to touch it, only to find that its my bag.
You know, guilt trips are kinda funny things. Already, I felt so bad for delegating work to Jia Min, she worked till 1am to complete econs stuff. It was kinda sad. she was hysterical. when she send back the thing, I had to viciously edit it and type out the script all in a morning's work. I felt very sad.
But why was I so ungentlemanly as to do such a thing to someone who could tear me apart and who has a boyfriend that outweighed, outgrown, outmuscled me. Hey! I had to do SYF thing too. It was ridiculous, after a lull in practice, I found myself stumbling with the words.
Anyway, Cherie herself mentioned something about the disparaging remark I made when I called her the paperazzi and she now knocks me over my head with my bollocks in her blog. Grr.
C'mon, it was justifiable. I found her doing this. -.-

Thursday, April 24, 2008
To educate thee
24 April
April is burning away. I miss a friend from my secondary school and the secondary school structure. We would have had pulled a big prank like we did before. It was hilarious. But now, with unfixed classrooms, no partner, I fear my prankster in me wasted away. Instead, a birthday giver is born.
[Long line of people wanting their birthday gifts]
Haha, I probably would laugh at myself a year before for being Santa.
[Santa calls his union becase of foreign Santa]
Another guy's birthday is coming up, but this time round, I'm thinking of something durable, not my previous disasters. Then I had an idea.
[Doomsday music on]
How appropiate eh? Anyway, today was slightly hilarious for SYF drama. I didn't know how it cropped up, but the word blowjob came up and someone didn't know. How lucky. Innocence never lasts. To find it in someone above 16 its rare. Then again, everything is relative. What did I do you ask? No one really wanted to give a straight answer, I just gave it.
['Burn him' someone roars]
Hey! Its the truth! Who knew, the same person told the group maybe that's why there were flavored condoms. I admit it, I didn't know. Whether I care or not its up to you. The things people do nowadays. Tis strange tis strange.
[guy acting as Gloucester chases author for stealing his lines]
You chide me for saying this on a blog? You, hypocrites who whisper perverse fantasy about that? Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom and permit the curiosity of nations to deprive me?
[guy acting as Edmund chases author for stealing his lines]
One thing you should learn from it all. From my near-lynched manner, you should learn that disaster comes from the mouth.
[Author opens his mouth, Japan is hit by earthquake, Indonesia is hit by volcanic eruptions, China is hit by droughts, Russia is hit by blizzard, USA is hit by hurricane, Author is hit by an angry mob]
Monday, April 21, 2008
Crap, I forget everything except to crap.
21 April
Today was a rather curious day. I had the strangest feeling of euphoria. Only to find that later, I forgot my tie pin required for assembly.=(
This day seems to be reserved for a let me forget to bring everything day. I forgot my pen(My only one) so I had to buy one =(. Ahh! How could I have been so careless to have forgotten my Chinese homework and history file. So I did the Chinese homework in school breaks while my history lesson, I looked quite dumb for bringing the chemistry file instead. I was freaking out with my unacceptable retardness and unprepareness. Well, I copied from the slides as much as I could for history. But today's history was a killer. Some smart dude decided that we must fill in blanks in the given essay during their presentation to prevent sleepiness. Real smart.
The only catch is, the amount we need to fill in is too excessive. It would be good note-taking practice but its a little too much.[stenographers and reporters disagree] C'mon, every paragraph there is five or six blanks that have sentences to copy down. We could be writing the entire essay!
Today's day was in a very bad taste for me, well, on the bright side, I completed my homework, that's why i could speak with you people. I even forget how to write letters, its kinda funny, my mother asked me how to phrase the letter to ask for a refund for a bill. I was nearly in tears telling her repeatedly how would I know. Its her job, her salary, her company. C'mon, I know teenagers are more empowered nowadays, but its slightly ridiculous.
Then again, forgetting things is an unacceptable thing for me. Although one friend of mine stated that it happens to people alot of times and in even bigger quantity than I do. I agree, no one is perfect save God, so people should be forgiven for the mistakes they make like forgetting. That means not harping on the fact that the person did wrong. We all would say, I never do that. But we have our blindspots, its hard for us to understand we have some traits left to be desired. So if one guy says you have a fault, be pissed with that guy, then forgive the meaness in his words, be friends with him and learn from the fault.
This is too much sidetracking, anyway, its alright if people fail sometimes. But, for myself, I will not forgive myself. For this action is unacceptable for me. My own forgetfulness to do what that is essential is unforgivable. I should not be by standards that accept failings are the way it is.
At least I didn't forget to go to the toilet to crap when I needed to. Yay. -.-"
Sunday, April 20, 2008
In a Hindsight
20 April
Okay, I know i know, I'm a little irregular in posting entries but then again, change is after all the only unchanged thing nowadays. =)

It was taken by Cherie, who is the paparazzi of our class nowadays, she takes even more pics than I do! I took in from her blog. So a recognition in advance.
This picture is taken and owned by Cherie, the handsome?beautiful? human being.No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
[You wonder why there wasn't any retching. Then you realise, it s plausible denialbility]
I suspect its a whimsical fancy of the dude's to stretch his?hers? legs. Well, All's done that the person in the picture is on the roof of the school?warehouse?army barracks? To name the person would be to get the person in trouble, which I would not try to do.
Moving on, I went to ACJC's performing arts centre for SYF drama. It was under construction, the exterior at least. The interior was like a normal theatre. Obviously. The stage is longer than the flat I am currently in. Maybe its because the flat is cluttered. Anyway, it was fun. At least projection had to be louder, steps have to be bigger, and lights were there too. The actors and I were going home, then not very long, I became the King of Anti-Climax! Yay! Every statement I made punctures the atmosphere. I am soo gonna get it from the others. Whoop!
Anyway, moving on the the deeper thinking part now. Don't groan.
[The author groans at wrong statement]
[Everybody leaves the lecture]
Hey! Don't go yet!
[Everybody leaves faster]
There's a reason why we find it hard to change ourselves for the better.
Anyway, change is a difficult, disorientating thing to do. I know I know, the saying goes 'the more things change, the more they stay the same', but for the purpose of today's discussion lets just not bring it to play here.
[A smart-aleck exclaims in wonder: Are we even discussing this?]
Okay, change can be anything, big or small, material or immaterial, internal or external. It had been(hopefully) the force to build us to better people. To illustrate this point that was taught to me, a friend volunteered.
In this case, let the change in his exterior be GOOD.

This is him before.

Then after the cell grp dressed him. this was he.
If he just went to his friends, his family and his errr... I dunno what, people would ask him why this change? It would probably lead to two distinct but slightly blurred outcomes. 1st, the skeptical, think-he-is-being-weird mode would be present in people's thinking and more or less put him off[One guy exhuberantly exclaimed his mother won't let him enter the house dressed in these] or his people around him would encourage him, solidfying his faith in that the change he did is good[Which in this event, we assume that it is]
People don't normally react well to change. They dislike it, preferring to stay in comfort of unchanged things. That's why, when we often try and be(telling ourselves on the inside) to be a better man(or for political correctness, woman) often, we don't hear very encouraging words or even feel its effect.
However, much as we can blame others for the inability to change becasue we don't spur each other on etc. etc. etc. but we often forget that change in the inside depends more on ourselves/God's assistance than others and how much do we want that?
Would we go to the extent of going down on our knees for this help like we do in our times of trouble? For we cannot expect to be paid for the apple and yet still eat it.
I ask of you people, mend your speech a little people, lest it may mar the kindness in this world. And of you, how much are you willing to do to be changed for the better?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bleeding Insane Day
17 April.
Today was good ole Edwin's birthday!(not the cousin, but the church dude) I say I was quite pleasantly surprised when I utterly forgot about it and my phone rang out the preset alarm in class. Who knew that God would remind me?
Anyway, today it was pretty tense. I wanted to give blood[For the possibility of free donuts]. And I can't make up my mind if I'm arsed about by someone up there or not.
You see, I went to donate during my break. I filled up a form about sickness stuff. Then it was a friggin long queue to the medical officer, who was delayed because a guy fainted after giving blood. I was tense. There was a Chinese language test barely twenty minutes later. I was hopping in tension. After a brief talk, there was a test to see if enough iron was in my blood [strong electromagnet above author and sticks him to it.] Just so you know, it ain't a magnet, c'mon, iron in our blood exists as an ion! A test is just a test, it was to prick my finger and I bled a drop into a chemical. Then I had to go for the Chinese test. Grrr! I was so bleeding close to donating blood and I was bleeding in my finger for it too!
Well, what do know. As there was some talk by military people for people as us guys will be joining the army soon as national service. The teacher just said we could go when we finished the test. Test started around 2.30pm, I finished it in 3.00pm and left to donate. It was a leeway given to me. I wasn't about to get my fingers pricked today for nothing.
Even so, it took another hour till I was settled down. Rar!

I was jabbed twice, once by a small needle, another by a needle to take the blood. And it was bleeding cool. heh heh, I mean it every sense of the word.

I took the picture of the blood. The staff chided me for moving about so much[I was taking pictures!] when I was giving blood. Xuyao happen to also give blood and was next to me. I joked that it bloody hurts. I was chided for talking while giving blood. I was informed that the males who fainted were like this too, strangely enough no girls fainted. So much for male superiority. [A couple of big tough guys were behind the author, too bad for him, he can't afford to lose anymore blood]

Then I got a bandage that made me arm stiff. [The Egyptian Mummies rise from their graves to laugh at such a petty statement]

I drank milo, ate some raisins and got this.

when i went back, people asked if it hurt. I could not resist to exaggerate that it hurt like mad. Soem actually believed.C'mon, how idiotic can you get? I got a couple of iron tablets, but a joke was passed around the guys that it was Viagra. Haha, you give blood, your girlfriend enjoys at night eh?
Hopefully, the teacher would accept the excuse that I couldn't hand in my work early as I feel weak from giving blood.
['Early?" All classmates all give bloody looks]
Ain't it a bleeding insane day?
[End with a bloody knife raised above the author's head]
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I gaze out on the open sky. Incomprehensible tears fall
16 April
Today, I was with a group, we were speaking. I feel alien. I have nothing to wish for, while I heard wishes of change among my circle of people.
First of all, in my church's cell group, upheavals were happening in the group member's lives. I won't name them. One had tension within the family, the other had a ill family member, the another one worries over insecure finances. My heart goes out to them, and they would be in my prayers. But I felt as though the protection I was given would falter along with my optimism and this is unfair. I feel that injustice of such a thing would tear my hair out. Why them? I will not stand for suffering.
Then, my brother talk about a queer guy with temper tantrums, upsetting the mood of the class. then I see the parallel in my own class. I feel for the guy man; nobody likes you for what you are comfortable with, pity from people especially serves to inflame you and tear up your pride. Demons from your own past haunts you, you fight them, make sure they never get back the chance to return. the boy turns 'monster' to protect himself.
It was a little bit like what I went through, but people have different demons, different assholes who waved a red cloth so that you would charge, then you charge any idiot who happens to bleed in a finger. Still, that is no excuse for behaving in a vengeful manner. You do that, you are forgiveable for why you act like that, but never forgiveable for the acts you did. It takes a beast to be vicious from bad experience but a man to be compassionate from bad experiences.
These are sad things, the more people try to rush in with solutions, the more they see as the situation spiral out of control. Even the wisest of people in the world can do nothing for it. that probably explains why this world is as screwed as it is. I hope, people can solve it before some idiot out there make nuclear weapons just like guns in a war.
I challenge the young generation now, think about a particularly dislikable person.
Would you in your own group, band like conspirators to make life hell for that guy or to mock that guy and all those who are with him? Or would you just ignore it? Or perhaps impose a demilitarised zone, till time passes long enough.
I don't know, we stand in a world that now is growing smaller, Boyle's law probably hold true, lower the volume of gas, higner the pressure. Humans may be pack animals, but harmony is hard to find nowadays, with people who keep insulting each other's race, religion and moms; uncrossable lines at best. If I cry, I won't know what to cry for. I cry out, God save us.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Someone in heaven better find my stuggles funny
12 April
Pshychiatrist: Hello, I didn't see you at the allot time, so I arranged for a make up, you want to explain your abscence?
Sorry about the lack of response on Fri, I was sleepy. Anyway, now I'm kinda feeling frustrated. Lots of obstacles had fell down on my path. On Fri, I was caught in the rain when i went to school. I sang 'rain down on me' so I guess people up there want to have a laugh. My waterbottle was damaged when it fell from my bag =(
Psychiatrist: umm hmm, was there anything else happening on that day
On that very day, I had previously tried to make a birthday present for Charmaine, one of my classmates, but it look like that, but it was too fragile. The head rolled off =( Someone up there is having one hell of a laugh.[But anyways, why did I do it? Don't I have enough homework?]
I had too much time, the teachers don't give enough homework. [an angry mob of students were ready to lynch him]

Psychiatrist: Oh dear, how did that make you feel?
Really, it was sad, my efforts went down the drain, yet still there was this backup I carried, but looks like I can't be a present-maker. My previous one with shaun's ended up torn, this one ended up decapitated. I think someone up there is rolling over the floor in laughter. this repeated setback is irritating. Oh yeah, I forgot to bring my history file.
Psychiatrist: Was there anything positive you could think of on that day?
Yes, I remember, during lit class, it was sweet of Melissa and Anyu to give me a really belated birthday present. they didn't really have to. It was a lovely keychain with a bible quote. Its kinda ironic eh? I receive a present while the one I planned to give was destroyed. People up there must be laughing.

Psychiatrist: Do you seek to change against the seemingly heavy hand of fate against you?
Good God, of course I am, even trying to be a better man seems so friggin hard. Well, I admit, i have a really horrid tongue. I had, for thrills, when the teachers asked where certain absent people were, I replied dead, even once when it came to calling my name for attendance, I replied dead. I frequently insult the people I am with with my sacarsm. Heh.
Psychiatrist: Good Lord, have you tried to remind yourself not to fall in that trap?
Oh my, I have tried, it always never really worked. I only remember after it happens. I hope to through memory of a quote to slow down my reckless speech. After all when my leg hurts, it often grimace at the quote that refer to God wanting people to lean on him, like he did to Jacob who wrestled with him and in doing so, caused him to limp. That was one of the few I remember, other than the one refers to story about samaritian woman giving jesus water which i think about when i was thirsty. And then there was this--
Psychiatrist: I'm sorry , I fear we have overun already. We must continue at another date.
Doggone it, ahh well, nothing lasts forever. But today was particularly bad, another of my water bottle fell from the MRT platform to the ground level. It was damaged but it could have seriously injured someone. I was pissed off with my bag. Because it dropped from the same bag which dropped the other bottle, in my rage at my own carelessness, I cut the bottle holder portion of the bag, so that i will never use it and it will be no longer an accident prone area.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Been about the world for 17 years
April 9
Psychiatrist: Tell me what happened to you today.
I'm seventeen today! Woo!
Its been fun. When I woke up, I felt euphoria, nothing can go wrong!. I even had the extra spring in me step.
Psychiatrist: That's good to hear, tell me about how it went about.
In the morning, I had well-wishing SMSes. One of them told me too stop mixing bizzare cocktails for myself and start drinking normally(reference to and orientation group outing to Pizza Hut which I misbehaved and mixed cheese and pepper and chilli powder into my coke and drank in like the fool I am). Lolz.
Psychiatrist: Any problem in academics?
Psychiatrist: Any problems in with your friendship?
Later, my classmates whispered. I just kinda knew something would happen after all we did the same for shaun. They gave me a brownie as cake and sang a birthday song. It was kinda nice, to know that people can be nice to each other. Shaun actually treated me to a meal. (the strong silent type) No guy can go any finer than that! Hui Lin passed me a card/paper heart/folded piece of paper with well wishes written on it. It said to pass it to someone I like.... -_-"
[wolf-whistles and rumors flying all about. Btw ppl, I have but I won't tell you! No no, its definitely not Nyugen Chix, although Nyugen Chix most attractive but no, a couple of other people come close. Hahas]
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. Tell me how you felt
It was kinda nice to have me birthday celebrated as per see... Oh one more thing, Zoe got me this bookmark too it was so nice I could bear taking it out of its packaging. They asked me if I ever wished for anything, in this day, I would say nothing, for Jesus was so kind as to bless me day today. What could a guy ask?

Psychiatrist: So, was that all?
There wasn't wushu today due to competition which my seniors have to go. I went to prayer meeting. It repeated. I managed to communicate with some more church pals and feel inspired to do what Jesus said, Love my neighbour. [goes out of the house and hugs neighbour] Then I went home, me bro, me folks wished me well. And here i am.
[Sexual harrassment letter came from male neighbour]
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. So why were you here?
I thought, in light of such a blissful day, its difficult to see the difficulty brewing down within everything as per see. I felt, today's a good day to die. It just felt so fitting that when everything seem so happy, the hammer must fall on me.
Psychiatrist: Was this suicide urge strong?
Hey hey, lemme tell you, I'm not suicidal. I feel inspired by all that care and all the good God gave to me particularly shown on this very day. He raised me from a brokenness in my past. I wasn't a particularly a happy man ['Liar! Drag him out and stone him!' the audience shouted], I was very vengeful by my consumed self hatred for my follishness. It was damn bleeding strong that I felt fired up to fight. But after going to church; not so much anymore. I feel obligated to do something, to steer people away from all that tension that I see happening right now. The hate thing is not good, so if I must, I'll confront it at every turn.
Psychiatrist: You believe yourself to be destined to save people?
I may sound idealistic with all that saving people rubbish. Actually this world is too far fallen for me to change on my own. With God, I hope to help people, starting from people around me. Actually, I think violent conflicts around the world cannot be solved by UN due to their bereaucracy and non-intervention law. It hinders UN forces to step in quick enough to stop a genocide. See Rwanda. What the people want and what's good for them is vastly different stuff. Freedom cannot exist out of a barrel of a gun. You want people to be free to fight? Either the UN should be allowed an army to act independently while the security council people haggle over reinforcements. Either that or a superhero to save us all.
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. how long have you felt like this?
I have felt very strongly against standing aside when atrocities are commited. Yes we should be peace-loving people of Christ, turn the other cheek etc etc. But, I cannot stand for hatred to stand, it is one of evil's greatest tool which enslaved humantity for the only force of good and righteousness springs from love and the flip side of it is hate. This is what I see that is coming. This is bad.
Psychiatrist: Very well, we have made some progress today. I'll see you soon.
Well, that's all this old one has for you today. I now have free time to create a present for another person's birthday. I wonder what i should do. Muhahaha!
You seem to have run into a dead end. you could search to no end and find receive an infomation update. the author had another apartment not too far away. You decide to get to the location.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fool 4 Fun
8 April
Call me a fool for fun, guess what I did today for emcees course? Certainly not topic of women, who dared do it when females in the course outnumber the males 5 to 1 and when they are all guys? Jia Cheng and I did it. His friend also joined in. Our script was somthing like this
XY: Today we are going to speak about the topic of women. Unknown Friend: I'm very amazed by the maths females are able to do, especially in the topic of permutation and combination, they are utter amazing in this, about to premutate and combine up to 9999 different accessories to match a handbag. We guys ain't that good.
So I just said a little bit about in what ways women were good even to the point of suggesting that Eve came before Adam and Jia Cheng played the devil's advocate by doing the part about women as inferior. Let's just say the reactions from the class was quite civilised, we were prepared to be lynched for saying they were things, emotionally weak, virtuous ones were uneducated ones, beautiful ones wreck empires, they were alternatives due to need of MANpower etc etc . But what's life without a little fun and girls won't hate us very much would they. I'm glad I did it. It was fun (emcees course had narrow topics) , although I didn't do much dissing.
[hatred of females and feminists in the class simmering]
Oh come on! We apologised at the end even when we don't have to. Technically, we were rude, I admit it, but it was bloody brave of us too.
I have no wushu tml because there is competition. Under most circumstances, i won't have anything to do, but now I can go prayer meeting!
I think I'm quite reckless nowadays(shaun's birthday present), I think its the midlife crisis thing, all that feeling of reached potential and nothing better and I'm barely seventeen (Tml i will be!). Reassurance that I'm lacking in self confidence was the first thing I realized when I typed it. Then again, I don't think I have enough homework to keep me busy.
[Classmates looking murderous]
What?[The class riots] Ending soon, what I feared is coming to past, unknowingly, racism and hatred and discrimination are entering the picture. Two opposing camps would be formed, with some neutrals. And its all because of one guy. I don't know if the actions I take now would be premature or too late or even would have any effect. Its a lot easier to hate difficult people than to love them. With the people responsible before now needing to be reassigned, a vacuum there is and something must fill it. I won't know what can happen, but it would be big, especially if a certain person is chosen. I'm under plausible deniability, so i'm not refering to anything anyone or any event. Most definitely not about my class.
You realise that the words form culture. You know you look for a book about egyptian culture. you race to find that book in this house.
Monday, April 7, 2008
New Day, New Faults, New Beginnings, New Plots, New Hope
It reads: keep, watch 2
Pissed off, you read off another entry, all of whom are arranged in chronological order.
7 April
Man, today was draining for me. Because of the fact that PC(Physical Coordination) drains. Doesn't help that all my effort seem to have went down the drain with my horrid history bit(In hindsight it seems inadequate) that I did for project work. ZZZZ
Under most circumstances, I woun't have bothered to listen to songs. Only because Elvin passed me the christian songs which I then listened to. It was invigorating. Only 1 word. WOO!
Necessity dictated that I need to learn my lines as Edgar by heart. Only problem? It wasn't particularly long, shortest in the play, but most drastic changes in those few lines. Eeee
Every day, when I kinda got Christ into my life, I feel amazed day by day. Kingdom Come and beat me up. For I say my accepting him made me a lot less angry at my failings, more willing to pray. Oh, a joke i c....
[You see a beam of light shining down on the author and a scroll descends from the skies. It was written in holy words which said Oh Really?]
Excruciatingly enough was that I forgot to tell you people, I changed my blog skin. So what do you think? Okay I know, it was edited, but you gotta admit, its good eh even for u?
Because this would have been quite an interesting day, it was made extraordinary by a new student in our class. Bad omen? Nah, don't be suspicious. I don't really know about the student, but I hope for her sake that she is not unattached, for my brilliance is such that, if I got a girlfriend, I would break too many hearts. It would weigh too heavily on my conscience TT.
[Puking heard]
Alrighty then, enough with the small talk. Only serious talk now.[Make serious face, then burst out laughing] That reminded me, the school was in the hall to listen to a guest speaker. she was an image consultant. For my serious face, I was picked and voila, my tie was too long. Who knew? To think I was wrongly dressed, eeeeeeeeee.
Responsiblity is now my topic today. Ordinarily, I would have spoken about things that never really related to me. But today, I tell you, I tell you everything. I did not do my responsibilty to my secondary school friends. The whole class agreed to go to some place to eat, but I utterly forgot about it. My utter bad. I feel kinda guilty for breaking my word. But I actually agreed to go its because to collect cert and testimony, but it was not the case, but take note, what i just added is rationalization. It cannot be discounted as utterly bad, but just think of it as a pebble thrown to your forehead which rationalization is the rubbing of the pain. It kinda hurts to have forgotten it and the disappointment my friends feel is bogging me down. I won't know how to say, but a listening ear helps. What do you expect? I'm not the guy with the answers. All i'm going to say is 'Thats all'
Seeing that I just beat myself up over this issue, its unimportant to forget especially that when one works in a group, if a group member's disinterested, what can we do? Keen as we are to do it, we can't exactly point a gun at their heads. [Immediately, an archer points his arrow at the author's head] Initiating a conversation with to them won't really work, they would zone out, or worse, give empty promises. Guilt-tripping them would probably not work to your favor. How then? Doing all the work is liable to kill people. I suggest complete trust in them, theoretically if you already expect them to fail, they already have failed. Take not, I said, complete, not blind, you just have to excercise good judgement. that's me advice 4 u
Exceeding my usual entries, I must turn to my pressing work. Secondary, they are to my true concerns over Jesus,family, friends and my plots. That's right. I missed a good pal's birthday (Apologises to Gideon) but Jeremy is next on the line. Muhahaha! Its a V for Victory.['Boo! Be creative!' says Churchill] Erp. Alright than, its a Victory that's lettered by a V.
You realise it refers to the second sentence. BOOKS BOOKS. It read. You realize that You need to find it in a book about egyptian hieroglyphs. It only makes such sense. You calm yourself down, you made the mistake by zooming into the study only to find nothing except a hint which the author seems to know you would go to. You try to finish the last entry to discover if there was another code inside.
Friday, April 4, 2008
The Lazing, The Work and The Birthday
4th April
It was an eventful day, I had finished a terribly huge book, the sword of shannara trilogy. I took much longer time to read it due to limited time to read. Its a good fantasy book, but not as great as Lord of the Rings but better than Harry Potter, in a sense, but its quite formularic, the book as per seE.

Loud was a couple of girls in physical conditioning class today. As they ran, they did some cheering. Only three words for it. Crazy girls[The author hears an eruption of anger from feminists. He pleads his case, but it was useless, they drag him out with sheer numbers and beat him] As I ran, I was looking as the clouds as usual, the shapes are quite interestinG.
Ordinarily, I dislike making things, but today was a guy's birthday, he plays tabletennis. So guess what I got him? Boy am I tempted to break into a solioquY.

Very creative, said the recipient after I showed him a photo of this. Why did I show him a photo? Because I revealed my coup de grace too early. Everyone was shocked, even the recipient9his eyes widened), but Muneeb(the one who replaced Kent) wrenched it from me and tore the plastic out. This lovely creaton was torn, but still birthday boy got the mentos and tabletennis balls with his name written on it. My fault, actually, for conceiving such an idea that would provoke such response. What did I throw myself in with that action? Hot SouP.
Excellent day, today was, save for the general paper tesT.
Zzz. The hormonal teenaged females were again giggling in history class over weird things, I tell you. Why me? Who was the unlucky gents sitting with them in a group? Thaddeus and I.
Ordinarily, I would be happy with today's drama work, but still, I get the burden of homework I cannot complete ahead of time. =(. If only I could skip doing emcees course script by obtaining a medical certificate for malariA.
Ending now, I feel like a tired, stressed out lump of flesh to be home and the Physical Coordination left my left leg a pain that feels like being knifed repeatedly so much so that it feels like its going through amputatioN.
You notice the ends of the paragraphs and voila! You broke the code. Well done. The ends of the paragraphs, the weird capping of the last letters stood out well enough. They spelled out a word. EGYPTIAN. You recall the hieroglyphic wallpaper in the study which you wrote off as a fascination.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Rain down on me and drench me pants
3 April
Today was weird and (sometimes humourous)difficult day. It also rained heavily and drenched me pants.
First up was the school's hall session, to see candidates for Student Council. It does not resemble elections, but rather a gimmick show by each candidate. Some sang, some danced, some rapped, some spoke, some joke, some just did plain mind-baffling stuff. One cut his hair on stage to show determination. (Respect) The other purposely fell over his feet and held the microphone in a unique angle, to what purpose I did not know. (again respect) One tore his script.(Respect one more time) Nevertheless, It should be understandable as people had only short time and we won't know enough about candidates to vote anyway.
Sad to say, I didn't pay much attention. Too much rip-offs from many sources of popular culture left me laughing.
Next was slightly not so nice to say due to nature of the event(and because it was about lessons and the consequences of getting caught was suspension/expulsion which can be a good break from school but liable to bore me) talking about it in an unfavorable light, because it concerns higher authority. So I won't speak about it. Nevertheless, its effect was dazzling and touched me. That's enough already.
Well, its frustrating to try and speak without offense to anyone I might be friends with or could be friends with or important aquaintances. Welcome to an era of libel lawsuits, the perfect way against any one who badmouths you. (Why doesn't it happen to me?)
Lets face it, someone does something nasty to you, you react back by lashing out. Izzat even nice? Sometimes its inevitable that one's fuse might blow.
[the author sees a platoon of soldiers behind a sandbag wall and they yell "Fire in the hole". They all lob grenades or sticks of dynamite]
I dunno how to best deal with that problem, but I think, trying to swallow it down is a bad way, so is deflecting it, ignoring it only serves to reinforce its presence in you. The source of irritation would be likely persist and would eventualy overcome one's fuse.
Neither is it very good to return fire, both sides get burnt.
[Armies on both sides in trenches, soldiers come in big batches and leave in stretchers.]
Lets just face it, even if I had the answer, sometime or another, it would fail, and where's the fun in life if answers are leaked?
[Author in bathroom, he sees a leak in the pipes and soon, the bathroom is flooded, Water bills sky-rocket]
On a brighter note, a classmate's birthday is tomorrow! (not mine) I got a present to top all present. I'll have a picture, the next time. it was handmade.
Codes sound like great fun, except that I dunno what to do. I can transmit sublimal messages. Woohoo! No one would know what I talk about, for I will outsmart them. Muhahaha.
[Monkey comes in with a file labeled de-encrypted entries and dated 5 minutes ago]
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Not a particularly good day here
2 April
Today was not a very good day. As I now speak to you, I am exhausted by the day's happenings and wushu.
[You see an energetic young face and the author automatically puts on false wrinkles, huge dark rings, and unfocuses his eyes as well as putting on a weak smile]
Upheavals were everywhere today. In class and in the drama and in cliques.
[In cliques part is exaggerated, but employed for a rhythmic purpose]
Today there was a guy; foreign student, not a saint, but nice chap with a different length of fuse than most people, he had a disagreement with a girl in class. It wasn't very easy on the ears. Not happy over a fellah's PW which wasn't very kind on his country.(May be erroneous)
Naturally grievances over him spilled over, when he replaced the person playing Kent in the drama. The original guy was nice but without the rudeness and temper of Kent, but was perceived as unteachable. The guy from above was his replacement. Naturally, another person, from the same class and in the drama, friend of the girl in above, complained(with every right and good reason to).
Apparently the person wasn't the only one. But that's enough. The point is I did some thinking.
[Someone shouts mockingly : "Does he ever think ?" Author gives him an offended look]
Let's see people. It is easy to criticise people. I myself am not except. But think about it, our own criticism more or less reflect about ourself see? Understanding of others is a lot harder than it is, especially when you perceive that yourself have been insulted/bullied/godknowswhat.
Even when we had such experience before. I won't claim to have any answers other than mankind wide selflessness. Cos' if I did, the world would be a better place.
I remembered a bible verse.
'Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.'
I think thats a good way to go.
[The audience murmur omniously. Although they have pebbles all around them, rotten eggs suddenly appear in their hands]
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April Fool
April 1st
I saw on the news that Ben and Jerry's in Singapore had pulled a prank on consumers, when they ordered their ice-cream flavor, they were told that only vanila was left. Consumers got a scare but were well compensated for that. Kudos to you people man.
[DM: You see a horrible Pranking machine, what wuld you do?]
One guy in the name of April Fools day, went around tricking people, even got a teacher. only one word for that man. Respect.
[DM: +8 scroll of respect appears to have no effect!]
Today, I was frankly very worried about history assignments and PW draft. Now in this late hours, at least these worries were solved.
[DM: Or are they? The machine's Bells start to ring their doom as your anti-worry potion dispel worry gas]
Strangely enough, I was feeling the extreme edge of melancholy and boredom that during the emcees course, I was asked to do imprompto speech abtout if I were Superman(caught me by surprise). I didn't feel the usual butterflies. Nice huh? Imagine if I can replicate this effect for everyone, I could earn big bucks! Except it had a side-effect of restricted movement and some foolish moments of immense pause.
[DM: Your Cry of Melancholy halted the machine's movement.}