April 9
Psychiatrist: Tell me what happened to you today.
I'm seventeen today! Woo!
Its been fun. When I woke up, I felt euphoria, nothing can go wrong!. I even had the extra spring in me step.
Psychiatrist: That's good to hear, tell me about how it went about.
In the morning, I had well-wishing SMSes. One of them told me too stop mixing bizzare cocktails for myself and start drinking normally(reference to and orientation group outing to Pizza Hut which I misbehaved and mixed cheese and pepper and chilli powder into my coke and drank in like the fool I am). Lolz.
Psychiatrist: Any problem in academics?
Psychiatrist: Any problems in with your friendship?
Later, my classmates whispered. I just kinda knew something would happen after all we did the same for shaun. They gave me a brownie as cake and sang a birthday song. It was kinda nice, to know that people can be nice to each other. Shaun actually treated me to a meal. (the strong silent type) No guy can go any finer than that! Hui Lin passed me a card/paper heart/folded piece of paper with well wishes written on it. It said to pass it to someone I like.... -_-"
[wolf-whistles and rumors flying all about. Btw ppl, I have but I won't tell you! No no, its definitely not Nyugen Chix, although Nyugen Chix most attractive but no, a couple of other people come close. Hahas]
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. Tell me how you felt
It was kinda nice to have me birthday celebrated as per see... Oh one more thing, Zoe got me this bookmark too it was so nice I could bear taking it out of its packaging. They asked me if I ever wished for anything, in this day, I would say nothing, for Jesus was so kind as to bless me day today. What could a guy ask?

Psychiatrist: So, was that all?
There wasn't wushu today due to competition which my seniors have to go. I went to prayer meeting. It repeated. I managed to communicate with some more church pals and feel inspired to do what Jesus said, Love my neighbour. [goes out of the house and hugs neighbour] Then I went home, me bro, me folks wished me well. And here i am.
[Sexual harrassment letter came from male neighbour]
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. So why were you here?
I thought, in light of such a blissful day, its difficult to see the difficulty brewing down within everything as per see. I felt, today's a good day to die. It just felt so fitting that when everything seem so happy, the hammer must fall on me.
Psychiatrist: Was this suicide urge strong?
Hey hey, lemme tell you, I'm not suicidal. I feel inspired by all that care and all the good God gave to me particularly shown on this very day. He raised me from a brokenness in my past. I wasn't a particularly a happy man ['Liar! Drag him out and stone him!' the audience shouted], I was very vengeful by my consumed self hatred for my follishness. It was damn bleeding strong that I felt fired up to fight. But after going to church; not so much anymore. I feel obligated to do something, to steer people away from all that tension that I see happening right now. The hate thing is not good, so if I must, I'll confront it at every turn.
Psychiatrist: You believe yourself to be destined to save people?
I may sound idealistic with all that saving people rubbish. Actually this world is too far fallen for me to change on my own. With God, I hope to help people, starting from people around me. Actually, I think violent conflicts around the world cannot be solved by UN due to their bereaucracy and non-intervention law. It hinders UN forces to step in quick enough to stop a genocide. See Rwanda. What the people want and what's good for them is vastly different stuff. Freedom cannot exist out of a barrel of a gun. You want people to be free to fight? Either the UN should be allowed an army to act independently while the security council people haggle over reinforcements. Either that or a superhero to save us all.
Psychiatrist: Interesting.. how long have you felt like this?
I have felt very strongly against standing aside when atrocities are commited. Yes we should be peace-loving people of Christ, turn the other cheek etc etc. But, I cannot stand for hatred to stand, it is one of evil's greatest tool which enslaved humantity for the only force of good and righteousness springs from love and the flip side of it is hate. This is what I see that is coming. This is bad.
Psychiatrist: Very well, we have made some progress today. I'll see you soon.
Well, that's all this old one has for you today. I now have free time to create a present for another person's birthday. I wonder what i should do. Muhahaha!
You seem to have run into a dead end. you could search to no end and find nothing.you receive an infomation update. the author had another apartment not too far away. You decide to get to the location.
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