20 April
Okay, I know i know, I'm a little irregular in posting entries but then again, change is after all the only unchanged thing nowadays. =)

It was taken by Cherie, who is the paparazzi of our class nowadays, she takes even more pics than I do! I took in from her blog. So a recognition in advance.
This picture is taken and owned by Cherie, the handsome?beautiful? human being.No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
[You wonder why there wasn't any retching. Then you realise, it s plausible denialbility]
I suspect its a whimsical fancy of the dude's to stretch his?hers? legs. Well, All's done that the person in the picture is on the roof of the school?warehouse?army barracks? To name the person would be to get the person in trouble, which I would not try to do.
Moving on, I went to ACJC's performing arts centre for SYF drama. It was under construction, the exterior at least. The interior was like a normal theatre. Obviously. The stage is longer than the flat I am currently in. Maybe its because the flat is cluttered. Anyway, it was fun. At least projection had to be louder, steps have to be bigger, and lights were there too. The actors and I were going home, then not very long, I became the King of Anti-Climax! Yay! Every statement I made punctures the atmosphere. I am soo gonna get it from the others. Whoop!
Anyway, moving on the the deeper thinking part now. Don't groan.
[The author groans at wrong statement]
[Everybody leaves the lecture]
Hey! Don't go yet!
[Everybody leaves faster]
There's a reason why we find it hard to change ourselves for the better.
Anyway, change is a difficult, disorientating thing to do. I know I know, the saying goes 'the more things change, the more they stay the same', but for the purpose of today's discussion lets just not bring it to play here.
[A smart-aleck exclaims in wonder: Are we even discussing this?]
Okay, change can be anything, big or small, material or immaterial, internal or external. It had been(hopefully) the force to build us to better people. To illustrate this point that was taught to me, a friend volunteered.
In this case, let the change in his exterior be GOOD.

This is him before.

Then after the cell grp dressed him. this was he.
If he just went to his friends, his family and his errr... I dunno what, people would ask him why this change? It would probably lead to two distinct but slightly blurred outcomes. 1st, the skeptical, think-he-is-being-weird mode would be present in people's thinking and more or less put him off[One guy exhuberantly exclaimed his mother won't let him enter the house dressed in these] or his people around him would encourage him, solidfying his faith in that the change he did is good[Which in this event, we assume that it is]
People don't normally react well to change. They dislike it, preferring to stay in comfort of unchanged things. That's why, when we often try and be(telling ourselves on the inside) to be a better man(or for political correctness, woman) often, we don't hear very encouraging words or even feel its effect.
However, much as we can blame others for the inability to change becasue we don't spur each other on etc. etc. etc. but we often forget that change in the inside depends more on ourselves/God's assistance than others and how much do we want that?
Would we go to the extent of going down on our knees for this help like we do in our times of trouble? For we cannot expect to be paid for the apple and yet still eat it.
I ask of you people, mend your speech a little people, lest it may mar the kindness in this world. And of you, how much are you willing to do to be changed for the better?
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