Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Its just some food for thought. Relax and enjoy the mental excercise.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Finally, you have caught up with him on the peaks of Bukit Timah Hill
He faces you, with a pitying look in his eyes. You shoot back a predatory lookat him.
You clutch the holographic juornal in your hands, the very tool which you used to follow his trail. You work has come to an end.
27 Oct
Promos results came back, I did ok.
But my life is going through and upheaval. Priorites get shifted. So this blog is coming to an end. I doubt I will update much.
This is it people, goodbye.
I have my writing to deal with, and people to love. Anyway, i have been writing my own spiritual walk on a book anyway.
People! If you so stake a claim in your morality, then never, ever forget to love each other, for life minus love is zero. You are just a mist that appears a while, then disappears.
Yes, my friends, you may find it difficult to love people who treat you unfairly. They could bully you, say mean and horrid things to you, push blame to you. You have tolerated it much beyond what your own heart can carry. I can feel your pain too.
Life may also seem very unfair to you. You could have been obese, or physically weak or unintelligent or poor too.
I don't fault you for your anger. I myself have been angry too. Cast your eyes and see, you have it unfair to your advantage for a long time, yet you do not see.
It took an upheaval, not in my life, but the lives of those around me, to realize how powerfully spared I was from pain.
So i'm going on a journey, this blog won't help me much, but I'll see what I can do to help you, if you want me to.
He who refreshes others, will himself be refreshed.
Woe to those who derive pleasure from using mean words which hurt others. You have shown yourself weak by trying to grab power for yourself. You destroy others by deflating the worth of others. You may feel jusitfied because of your skill, but anyone can have skills, but not everyone can have integrity of heart. You have acquired an important thing, but not what that is most necessary in your life.
Okay people, this is it.
See you soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Howdy ho people. It's been more than two weeks since I last posted. It was necessary. I had examinations. So I had to study.
The exams are okay I guess.
Anyway, I think this blog might be gg. I don't really want to update this. But still must go on! '
Well. Recounting this crazy few weeks. It was pure exams then I had R&R after that so that explains why i din't update the blog.
Beat Arthur and Aaron at billiards when they shot in the black ball at the wrong place and time. It was funny.
P.S Guys from my class, you may be reading this now and contest the statements inside this blog. This is my answer. [displays a pig's rear]
heh heh. I've beome quite a little vicious. I don't like it, it doesn't tally with my own values. To grasp the twin virtues of Love and truth.
Well. I wil not make it sometimes, because there will be things that will casue both the values to collide.
If Man does not stick something greater than himself, his life is only as cheap as a beast.[Pardon the speciesm, PETA.]
WEll, back to the events of the day. there was this all boys camp in JJ for us to participate in, which was a NS prep talk. I will not go into the specifics, for I will make no admissions on anything. Someone remarked that why not an all-girl's camp? Then i heard another interesting response to that that al they would do is to talk all night, have a slumber party and paint each other's nails. Heh Heh. No offense to the highly enthusiatic feminists.
Well. this is it folks. As you can see, this is a rather self-controlled blog. Look guys, i'm not against freedom of expression, but we must comprehend that our freedom is a chain of responsibility. If we can say nothing good, we might as well as say nothing at all. I must chastise other netizens who hide behind an online persona that he uses it to 'flame' people. Sure, you may seem to be right in flaming a certain person, but are you really doing the right thing?
Do you understand the peculiar and unique circumstances behind everything before you begin typing or saying what that is bad about a person?
So don't do this. We often despair that the world is far too destroyed. Well, it is, but it doesn't mean we don't try and give a 110% to love each other.
Often the most complex of problems of this world has the simplest answer but because we love evil so much that the simple answer is unattainable.
Look around you. Our culture is not so much for encouraging each other, but to serve our ego first by putting each other down. It feels fun. As fun as the thrill of falling down a cliff yourself when you try and push a fellah off.
I appeal to you. We are good men and women. We can change our miserable existence, if we try and do all we can to do good.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Holidays...In a nutshell
7 Sept
Well, its been quite a long time since my first post. Anyway, the holidays have gone and past.
I got a new laptop. Its small and light and very cheap. Impressive. I can do my typing anywhere now.
It was a slack week rather. I only did work on four days this week.
Weds I played billard with Thaddeus and Aaron Wee. I beat Aaron because that he hit the black ball [not as the last ball] in by accident. Well, i supposed it helps that they gave me chance, seeing that it was my first game. Thaddeus owned us all. Heh heh, it was funny, not just the game, but also the trip there as well. I got lost. Everyone got confused. Yay!
Promos coming up. I tell you it almost reminded me of a song.
Yes that's right, wake me up when september ends.
What's that, you want a joke?
knock knock.
who's there.
you who?
you are the joke.
if anyone wonders why this post is so short, well, the squirrels ate the nut and left the nutshell.
Okay. I'm ill today, so I can't type much. I barely could move around. But i'm better. Hopefully.
Xingyu's Dragon Slaying Chronicles has ended with the Dragon's demise... or has it?
You know. Its kinda funny when a guy once looked at my blog and named me something along the lines of a flirt. Weeeeee... Well. he saw the links to zoe, cherie, melissa. And that funny guy reckoned that Sze Hui will be next. Well. What can i say? Some boys are more blessed than others. Weeeeeee.....
Okay. That's all folks.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
A week vs a day
Well, what if you transfer its unique file acceptance signature to a sensor with GPS, so you could track the trail of the author.
Excited, you did that and volia. you see something.

An eye. NOW YOU DIE!
AUG #!31
haha. that was good wasn't it?
[laugh... or i give you that evil eye again. Muahaha.]
That's better.
Anyway, I'm in a flamboyant mood today.
Well. it was one week that got me down, but barely a few hours, my spirits were lifted high up.
Lemme recount the tragedy and triumph in a sonnet.
t'was a sad week t'was, of goliaths
that trampled me with great pain and sorrows
t'was a sad week t'was, of menaces
that flamed my heart with anger
t'was a sad week t'was, of temptation
my fortresses were riddled with cannonball holes.
my gate long rammed down
i was drowning in my pain i was.
It was thick and all blocking.
It would not lift like most fog.
But Your hand of help erect me tall.
What can i do but say blessed be your name.
okay, it is technically not a sonnet. Who cares! My feet jumps high becasue i live in the Promise. Of not just forgiveness, and also life abundantly.
Ever watch Facing the Giants? My shepherd say its a dem fine show. No, not the Shepherd. but the shepherd of the cell. I dare say it is. Don't care about the critics. Heck, their job is secure if they make a bad comment about anything.
IT was a sad week. I guess. Temptations overrode my resolves. My thougths were animalistic. Primal. [no offence to the animals]The days were just simply bad.
Nothing was going well. not PW, not studying, not anything.
On Friday[which happens to be teacher's day], it was the last straw. I was angry enough to kill someone. That was quite brutish of me.
So I stuck myself home and channeled by energy to playing games.
Suddenly I realise I got a gaming addiction. Yes, it's that bad.
So I'm going on a one week journey with my Lord. I pray that he would walk with me out of this one.
But you know what? God has a way for turning things around. He can turn your sorrow into serenades. Saturday, was the turning point for my emotions.
well. I was very down. then out of nowhere. one guy prayed with me about my problems.
I dunno about this. but i feel that God is lifting up the weight of my sorrows, so that i only stand in its shadows.
WE have got a good and loving God.
IF you go to him, that is.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Crazy week
Well. it was a crazy week. There was 4 birthdays to celebrate. First was jiamin's and fatin's birthdays....[What.... it's a good thing.. turning 17...rit?]

No. ppl, that's not one of them. Its a very good friend called Bryan. He thinks my handphone's wallpaper need upgrading. With this. Tell me... what do you think of this?

IN the final episode of Xingyu Sa Long Ji[Xingyu's dragon slaying chronicles]
Xingyu realises the futility of armed combat against the dragon. INstead, he gives the dragon a lollipop as a peace offering. The Dragon greedliy swallows it, not knowing that it was laced with potent poisons while Xingyu escapes, chuckling manically at the genius simplicity of the plan.
[FYI: Its not a lollipop. Its the ball that the dragon dance uses.]

Our SYF drama teacher brought us to his place for a treat due to our contributions in the SYF. This is his handsome car. The Yellow Peril. In my opinion, any car that rams you hard enough is peril enough. No need to call it one. HAhaha....
Then we celebrated Angela's birthday there. She turned 20.
Then the very next day, the family celebrated my father's birthday. He turned 45.
Then at chruch, we celebrated Zhonghua's Birthday. He turned 23.

well... we scuppered him real good eh? Him in a gummy sack. Then we took him around the church. Even met the pastor. All's for good cheer! NO one could walk away not laughing. Well. I kenna cake smashed into my face. thanks to Zhonghua and Edwin. but its a different picture for a different time. IT WAS FUNNY.

Cell group photo. Nice. Look at me, i'm promoting for seasons. Their revenue would have a tremendous boost.
[Audience: "in the opposite direction you bloody fool!"]
Alrighty. Who said that? Lemme hamtam that guy. I learnt taekwondo and wushu. Wooo.
[crashes out of a window from a fifty storey building]
Alrighty. That's all folks. Go home!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Well...Bad Week
You know, the last week, I celebrated Thaddeus's birthday. Twice.
One was with the class, the other was with my church people who were his friends.
Saw Jia Rong at the second one. Still the same. The smart guy is in NJ. Playing tennis. I wonder if he knew Muneeb?
We had dinner somewhere[with the church ppl] and guess what i saw? on the menu,
Frog Legs...stir fried flogs.
Yes, i would like one very much ma'am. Dip the whip into burning oil. Make sure its a legionaires' whip, its a beautiful torture tool with hooks on it to tear out flesh. Yup. I want stir fried flogs. Heck, i love stir fried flogs. lmao! IT WAS FUNNY.
Played frisbee. I have did some of the strangest thing around. To avoid being blocked, I crab-walked
move left move right, even had the pincers. Everyone was laughing too hard to concentrate. I wonder. It lifted my spirits up.
But, it happened when my morale is at its lowest. It was that GP thing. Got poor marks. Sampan( its a form of boat) is leaking. The teacher annouced to the class we might not be able to do well. Sampan having holes. Then History, bare pass. Sampan having holes and in a stormy sea.
My morale sank like that Sampan. Fast.
That birthday was a very welcome event. like refreshing water. Amazing miracles of life which we sometimes overlook. A bus which happens to be there when you are frantic to get home.
Way to go for optimism. Anyway, the popularity of the tagboard is encouraging
That's all for today. Thank you and have a nice day.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Note to self, write a note to self.
Note to self. Kill myself ASAP!
Painful morning, I woke up with a searing sore throat. I can eat, but when i'm doing anything, it hurts. Like hell.
Arggg. I conducted some business and it was bloody. I'm getting old. Think that I will get shit and blood. Never thought so, until today.
Yes. I shit. I bleed. It hurts. Like hell.
Whaaaaatttt. It huuuuurrrrrtssss you know.
Well, I've been on many events, one is the school prize presentation for jokers like me who won prizes based on academic achievements. I won the literature prize. Well... it ain't no nobel prize.
Then we had a student leaders swearing in. I felt like swearing.[It IS funny. LAUGH.] I became the group of people i never really liked at all. Irony Irony Irony
Then they gave us some weird cake for national day. I'm so sorry... I'm not a nationalist! SO I ATE THE FLAG! I CHOMP MY COUNTRY'S FLAG!

It was kinda tasty you know. Muhahaha.
Then as a class[sort of] we went to sentosa. It was weird. I never got around to buying ketchup. Neither was there any hot girls. [what's the link you moron?] What's the link? well, i could use the ketchup to fake a nosebleed. [or I can use my bleeding a**]
Well, the teacher came along.We played. Foreigners mistook us for ping pong players. Typical Typical Typical. Foreigner tackled Arthur for a bet. Typical Typical Typical Teenagers. Then people discussed about psychobabble of attraction. Apparently girls touch their hair when they are attracted to guys. And guys will always want to talk to girls if they are attracted to the girl.
Only one problem. WHAT IF THEY WERE GAY? heh heh. My opinion on this? As reliable as the weather forecast. The human behavior is a complex mathematical equation with too many variables. Shift one variable, it changes your answer dramatically. Only one person knows that equation. And it is as sure as hell not me.
Then the second problem. ME. I know about this. But will I act on this to confuse people? Definitely yes. Hoo hoo hoo ha ha ha! DO I talk lots to people? YES! and to guys and girls!
ON a more serious tone, this pain on my physical body makes me really yearn to go home. Well, I suppose it helps that most of my dreams involve me dying or me dead already or me doing wierd stuff or me not there at all.
Well... I been thinking, what to do about the living when I'm dead? Okay guys, if any of you appear on my coffin, be sure to make some jokes and sing "Oh He's a jolly old fellow". At least I laugh to my grave. or ashes. or urn.
Don't give my comics to my brother. He never bought one. Give him the inspirational books. [*conspiratorial whisper]
IF ITS ABOUT my love life... Well... if i die, it won't matter. you know why? Cause i'll be dead! Hoo ha ha ha.
To my friends. Well, don't do that dung about wailing and calling me to come back. I guess, I'll be quite annoyed to have to sneak out of heaven because a buddy was wailing. [trust me i might be floating over your bed and say: "Hey don't emo leh". Imagine that.]
Be in peace with each other. Love each other. We don't have very long with each other to hate each other to whatever extent. Let's face it, in the end, we are too dead to care if we hate each other or not!
If there's any outstanding work... I'm sorry. I'm too dead to do it!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Things start changing
Well, it was a strange and crazy week. Wushu performed for racial harmony and I wore this. People were allowed to wear the costumes but not many wore. Funnily enough chemistry class there is two excluding me!

That's Me and Melissa ;)

Me and Sangeetha. I kinda freaked when she did the v sign and copied her wushu style!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
In hindsight
This was an unbearably stressful week, but in hindsight, it wasn't that bad. After all, if you are good enuff, i s'pose you neeed not worry too much.
Anyway, i suppose in oneway or another, adults feel contemptible of their past selves, their youthful selves, so they try and live through us, making sure we don't make their mistakes. And lo and behold. We become them. I heard it, children spending excessively, strangely enough, that's what their parents said too.
I think my so-called mental growth seems retarded. My mother began talking about boy-girl relationship. I can't really help it if I'm too charming. Lmao, sorry just kidding. But you can't deny I've got an electric personality.
[zap! smouldering remains of xingyu]
Zhonghua's off to China, I suspect he would leave a bit of himself back there. I think he knows it too. It is irreversible, just like salvation. Might be for good or for the worse. Well, i don't really want to think much, I'll go drink water.
I've got no pics this week. Wushu's performance is quite soon. I get the feeling of closing walls. Plus it coincided with the chem common test i need to study for. I didn't. Not enough time.
In hindsight, many things we do seem a little stupid, but let's just face it, what else could we have done, given the tension? Think? Don't make me laugh.
I'm a little on the nutty side.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
12 July
Crazy eh? Time has really went by. More than half the year has went by. I didn't really regret much of my life. Weird things have happened in my block.

Its so dark, some people wanted candles. You can see how it 'lights up' the whole block.
Weird things also happened in my life. It's not enough that people speculate about my feelings like they do to stocks(they CAN be quite funny). I've been declared a sister by some girls. -.-" People have no respect for an old man. lmao.
Everyone's strangely stressed over the Chemistry test, turned out to be so easy that my H1 class got stunned. So was I. But then again, like my old teacher said, the pro students will handle a test anytime, be it a day or a year's time. The weak students would not be able to handle a test, no matter if they had ten years of preparation.
This Saturday we had the nubian gents and feminine five in the church. They were a group who uses dance and song to praise and worship. It was cool. They had cool clickey movements, slick dance movements, some 14 year old girls who sings like a soprano and a little song that was too garbled for me. Not bad, I saw Pearlyn and Charmaine around, invited by Sangeetha. I had about as dangerously told Pearlyn to have more sleep as good old Edwin put himself here.

Yup that's him. Monkey blood runs in him. Fearless to the point of reckless and being skillful. I am that, without the skill part. I concede that I'm not skillful, except in lameness.
Anyway, I suspected that Pearlyn put on some gothic black thingy over her eyes. Well, some boys can't behave themselves when they are around girls. I think I'm one of them. I told her to get more sleep got she got black rings. She looked at me like I was an idiot. I was tactless alright. Haha. Ken lives dangerously.
Anyway, we went over to Muxin's house to celebrate, his,Xiaoye and ShiPing's birthday. All of them falling in month of July. We lay on some field and formed some words for Xiaoye. We followed Muxin to his house till Edwin drenched him in water. Beautiful. He did not expect that.

Xingyu Dragon-Slaying Chronicles episode 3. After many failed attempts to fight the vicious dragon. He takes a wooden stick to it and lets out a warcry. Sidesteppinga blast of fire, he leaps to the air with amazing dexterity to attempt to land a powerful blow to his ferocious enemy. Will he succeed? Or will he be eaten by the dragon? Stay tuned.
I read a book by Max Lucado called Travelling Light. Nice book. The Lord is my Shepard...I will fear no evil. I could feel power in such words. Such reviving hope. Zhonghua lent it to me. He's going to China for mission trip in earthquake area on monday. Needless to say, keep him in prayers. May he speak well in chinese and tell good chinese jokes too.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It has begun
6 July
Well, this is it. the beginning of many things. The week was a really bad one. It started off with a bit of violence, then a bit of disappointment then a bit of stress, followed by a bit of stress once more and a bit of depression.
Well, I can't deny I've been anticipating this, the first of my troubles as a believer in Christ. That's the violence involved and let's face it, telling you would not help at all.
Then I received disappointing results for my exams, which I should have done better for, I supposed I was distracted, but then again the strong will be the strong in spite of what state of mind they are in. Then it was the stress for preparing for the end of July wushu thing[that's why there's no Xing Yu Dragon Slaying Chronicles] Then we had History Common Test which was stressful. Then cell group people got a little trouble here and there. Someone's relative was admitted to hospital.
Sounds depressing and is very draining, this emotional roller coaster which I am on. Felt like getting a cigar to smoke, but I got the better alternative, I brought a lollipop and chewed on the stick. Way to tell your grandchildren how to deal with stress. Then again, I supposed, like what someone told me for young adults, things do not seem as bad as they appear, let's face it, you contemplate suicide when you fall out with a friend? Maybe that's why we really go emo and swing to really high when things happen. Often, what we feel do not actually reflect the situation itself. Lemme confirm that it is not from me. IT IS FROM SOMEONE ELSE.
But still it was draining and I feel like this.

Sunday, June 29, 2008
There is no title for this entry.
29 June
Well, I couldn't do this blog all week. Too busy. Anyway, its not a really busy week, but a really draining one. Emotionally. I felt like going nuclear anytime.
Trying to help people get along is getting a little harder than I expect. I'm not supposed to do this job! But still, I dislike hostility and so I stick my head.
[guliotine chop]
Yup, that's how stressful it is, helping people. Whoever said it is refreshing is out of their mind. Or they don't deal with seeing the implications of one's interference.
Anyway, yesterday I had three separate dreams in one sleep. Its kinda interesting how dreams end up and how they might be an indicator of one's personality. My first dream saw me seeing some of my friends in their future (i don't remember who), some were married, some were rich. And I was left behind because I was comatose. Hmn. So much to divine eh? Then... I forgot about the second one, it had a blue shirt that's all. then I felt someone sitting on my bed and i paraphased from Gandalf and it was in my sleep.
"I am the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor, The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udûn YOU...SHALL NOT...PASS!!!"
Well, I think I should stop watching too much Lord of The Rings. Yup and watch more The Simpsons.
Anyway, the highlight of the week was really wushu.

Sweet eh? Wushu can be cool you know?

That's me and Zihang, locked in mortal combat.

And introducing Xing Yu Sa Long Ji [Xing Yu Dragon-slaying Chronicles]
Heh Heh...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
15 June
Yesterday was the amazing race held by the church as we romped around Singapore to do stuff in groups. It was nothing short of amazing. they gave us clues to decipher so we went to Clementi Woods first and did the slider first. It was a piece of canvas which was put on a slop which people had to scale, without running. They poured starch and water to make it slippery. I tried, but my hand(injured) could hardly gain enough strength and i stepped on someone's shoulders, I slipped and slid under one person and most unfortunatelymy rear connected to Joey's face like in Kungfu Panda according to one observer. Then it hurt too much I I had to be taken out of the game. So we had to get many people across, which had some of the coolest stunts involved when almost parachute style, Zhong Hua asked everyone to hold him by the legs at the top while he gripped Muxin's hands and they pulled. Next was the caterpillar walk and some blindman guiding thing. Then we moved over to Vivocity and were given some words in other languages to find out and take pics. Next was in Kallang, where the team had to send representatives to kayak to some people, and store water with their mouths to spit in the bottle. Then we had to constuct a crude shelter against water poured on the canvas, so that none of us inside got wet. Then we went to a WW2 memorial near Bt Timah and listened to a story, if you got wrong answer, you get an ingredient added to your biscuit that you must eat. Also there, we had to spin around and dip our hands into a flour and water mix to get out a green pebble. Kudos to Anyu for getting it. I have a tendency for spinning games to walk like a drunk man. then we went over to IMM and found a soldier guy to buy something with...
50 cents
Yup and that made us fifth place, although no prize, but that's good enough, out of forty teams. It was fun. And tiring.
I dunno why reading some people's blogs, they are feeling a little down. I worry for them. Anyway, yesterday, I had some very weird dreams, for once, it was watching how people interact.
I'm getting very irritated with my life, not really about people, but with my own demons. They are very annoying. Have you ever gotten that leap into the future you see outrageous things happen? I saw someone I know quarrel with a resturant staff. I pushed down my evil thoughts. Then I saw myself lifting the resturant staff by the cuff and my face contorted, my other arm apparently better, readying itself for a deadly strike. It was scary. It happened quite alot in my waking life, those fantasies of power battled by the sense of morality. Morality tends to win.
I'm feeling pensive over living or dying. It feels better to die, so that those demons stop showing me how I should have done something spectacular. Yes, spectacularly evil. Carnage. Devastation. Shock. Impressive things. And yet not so. Yet, where's the fun in dying suddenly? But these thoughts strike very often, like someone out there is trying very hard to push me over the edge. Well, i only got this.
[pulls down his pants to moon that guy]
Heh heh... So if you ever see me in deep thinking, its usually the struggling between both fantasy and cynism or morality vs evil. Be sure to snap me out of it. It gets annoying to be trapped by unproductive, strange, evil thoughts.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
A real busy hols
11 June
Well, well, its been a very long time. Well, I was busy making computer games for my porject work and it takes a long time, even with templates in place.
Anyway, a couple of strange events. Apparently, I'm president of wushu club. Its strange and has a strange sting about it, being the president of four people. Well, the after the first day of presidency, the boys in the club lapsed into sheer idiocy. Very fun idiocy at that.
That's me, doing stupid stunts even with an injured arm. Haha.
(Watch me slay the lifeless, cardboard dragon! Woohoo, ain't I brave?)

That's the logistics dude, Zihang

Well, it was after training and we just had a little fun.
So, there's really nothing much to say now, my homework's all done. I finished the game as well as the homework allocated. So it's revising time =)
Anyway, its kinda funny in a way, when I read this TIME magazine about the US military using antidepressants to alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder. I dunno why, I can't exactly say I connect fully with that feeling of seeing someone die in front of you, but even I felt snatches of that.
I dunno, I feel a little off. Like its supposed to be new, but I feel a sense of like I did it already. I dunno, it might be the dreams I have that enable me to experience life ahead. I don't like my dreams. They are never sweet. Either they are queer or they are nightmares, the first being more of the case. But still... On the bright side, I know what the heebees i felt are. But i won't share them. You know what it is when it comes.
Anyway, thats all for now, shoo!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
After the pain
28 May
On the bright side, one monday, two days ago, i had an appointment to remove my cast. it was itchy and horrible. On the bright side, now, the pain is no longer there. I won't need painkillers.

I forgot how itchy it was inside seven years ago in my another arm.

Happier that i got this, i could remove it, and have greater finger mobility

So i did this

Then i realise i could do this too!
I see my brother tossing a ball into a hoop, fantasizing about greatness and he was lying down. He gives a big cheer, apparently, he scored a hoop.
Well, that's all the random stuff i have.
This is stuff i heard from the pastor
When we don't respond to painful things, we tend to harden ourself to it. That happens in life, you push down your emotions to obviously painful and grieving stuff, you harden yourself towards it. The quake in China was just another disaster to me. yet, such things grieve God, you might ask why did they happen? I won't know the full answer, but i believe that He has good plans, even now, the world reacts. You see one great humanitarian ---. Surely, God uses many things to build people up. In a bleak world, you feel despaired by a world that can't be changed for the better, pain keeps coming back,till you become hardened towards it. But we respond to the pain other that shoving it down, it would keep us in touch with our humanity. It ain't evil that's scary. It's the indifference towards it that is scary. When we become indifferent, we become less than human. That's scary.
Seeing the disaster victims on screen, I didn't know why, something trickled down my heart.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Argghhh. @#$! PAIN
23 May
Two more days before school ended, i played soccer and fell on my arm in the morning. God it really hurt like crazy and i thought i sprained it. So i tried to immobilise the limb by using my school tie and file. pain lance through my forearm. jabbing sharp pains. the wrist had a nasty swelling and spots of red had appeared at the swelling region. The pain was shooting up my forearm and my wrist hurt when i tried to massage it. My fingers lost their strength. I piled icepacks on it, which served to numb the pain. so from 0900hrs to 1600hrs, i bore the pain.
Then I reached home, I went to the clinic, the doc informed me that it could be a fracture. So i informed my father that it was that and we went to NUH. so i came home with this. it hurt more than the last time, i dislocated it entirely when i was primary 3 and it didn't hurt as friggin much as now.

when they said hairline fracture, it reminded me of this photo of the sky i took. it looked like the sjy was cut.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hell hath not the fury of a woman's wrath and unfortunate events
Realising that, you walk around the house once more and you get all right turning in order of 4-3-67-59-24. But there's something wrong, the holographic diary doesn't have more than 100 pages to turn right all the time. You guess that it reverts back to zero and doing so you hear the all-too familiar beep that you are going to see the author's next entry.
May 21
Hell hath not the fury and an angry woman, not even my jokes can cheer them.
[audience: are his jokes even funny?]
yes, it is true, Jia Min was breathing fire over air-conditioning issues in the class. Heh heh, irony. Our classrooms have air-conditioning for your information. she burst into an amazing speech about idiocy of the male gender. That itself would have gotten me into an encore, if not for the fact that I am male and of the males she listed, I am unfortunately on the list. Heh Heh I'm a pretty funny guy eh?
okay, admittedly, my jokes are not always very funny and are moderately hurting(which jokes aren't) but that's besides the point.
Apparently reason doesn't work when I told her if she doesn't want ot feel cold, she could move away. Just like you don't stick your hand into the fire if you don't want to get burnt. Apparently, i should have heeded my own allegory. Maybe this is why guys cannot understand girls. I have a strong gut feeling that when girls act something close to a harpy-like emotion, its best that guys either shut up or join them. Then again, I might be completely wrong, if I am right, and I could have a Phd in psychology, imagine the riches I can reap if I write a self-help book! Then again, why did I land myself in this anyway?
How did I react? Rapier wit goes hand in hand with a shameless shield of smiles. I grinned like a clown. I grinned like a bloody clown wilting inside. I'm not particularly courageous of men, I tend not to like arguing against people. Especially if their arguments are tempered with emotions of hate hate and hate. Scary.
Anyway, enough about debate over female psychology, it ain't very interesting.
[female audience ready to throw bottles]
I was joking!
Anyway, today was a string of really unfortunate events, the afternoon in fact. Soccer can't be really counted although its a really hot day. then I became to usual Fedex boy to help zoe carry interact club stuff(i'm not even in that CCA -_- but heping people ain't supposed to have conditions) The dude I was meeting was unfortunate enough not to come. And I stink. Of sweat.
Well, we must have hope, or what we live in now can be a depressing hell. So on the bright side I borrowed a book potentially helpful for GPP when I waited for that guy above, Miss Elvina says if i want I can't ask her for more homework. Yay! That's what this blog is named for, Bright Iron. to have optimism unflagging and faith refined.
[ audience:you refine iron?]
okay, I know iron is not really refined, hey, you expecting a professional work?
I hear funeral rites for some faceless chap in the void deck. Loss and Gain, the dual nature of the world! Ah, what would I give to face it no more. I could write poetry. But it crosses my boundaries. Let the dead lie where they would and do not disturb them.
Father, shield those living who have things to grief. Many rocky events happening to people, I lift them to your hands. I pray for continued sense of love and faith in you for I trust your plans to be good. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Camp, sports meet, plans and many many more!
19 May
This is a really belated post, I write it now on Vesak day, on a day i had nothing to do.
There was this house camp, the Bannister house camp where we cheered and play water games. Lol i remember dumping soap on people's heads and I tricked one unfortunate fellow to take off his shirt and run off with it. lol. That was mean of me. but it was very fun.
Anyway, during the camp we sang songs and ate then in the morning of that one day camp, i blizt off to do emcee duty for the Sports Meet. Lol. I did alot of spontaneous commentary and plenty of jokes within the script. I like the job. But it hurt my throat a lot. But it wasn't the best part. The best part is doing it with my friend Andy. That had made all the difference. We sang a birthday song at request of some rono people.
Anyway, the sports meet, i was moderately impressed with the Bannister house, they were most sporty. And being moderately impressed is something.
We went over to Malaysia yesterday. We watched Prince Caspain, a radically ripped apart story. But it was okay but very confusing for people who watched that first instead of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Then we had a very delectable meal of seafood. drunken prawns, followed by a noble dish of fish and then spicy kang kong followed by tofu and chili crab. Its really good, the ambiance, the food. and we had a pot of tea and soem fruit after that.
that's all, Sharon's birthday coming up soon, So I'm thinking of something. I pray for a miracle now. I'm utterly clueless.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Judgement day and afterwards
May 14
Well, people, it was to quote Sharon Quek, my classmate also in the play, JUDGEMENT DAY
It was SYF drama. I got a small role as Edgar in the revamp of King Lear. The ACJC hall was scarily empty, save for a few judges, scattered about like sand. I wore this

Self capture sucked, and i wanted to see how makeup worked on me. Not very well apparently. My briliance apparently rendered makeup as superfluous.
[jeers, retching heard]

This is me in full costume, taken by Muneeb. And below is Muneeb, who plays Kent

Handsome eh? The makeup artist came to age him and Sangeetha as well as Zaid.

Here be Sangeetha, she acts as Queen Lear and this was the costume when Lear went mad. Beside her is Joan, or Cordelia. I'm sorry if its too dark. Sangeetha would have said humourously that what is this? racist har?
You know, the past has a certain freakish way of coming back, one of the lighting crew also a fellow emcee in the upcoming sports meet was actually someone from the past. A painful past. Taekwondo. Who knew? that someone I would meet would come from the same taekwondo in same CC too? Well apparently why i never told anyone the truth is because its so arsed I tend to go on destructive rages.
Well, the story spans over a good 6 years. It was when I was a boy. [obviously] There was this dude who taught us. He is the chief instructor. I heard lots of rumors about his errr.... unpopularity. Anyway it ain't a dissing session. Its an experience-sharing session. Anyway, I was thrown out of the Taekwondo itself. No point in telling you people details, there are some right with people some wrong with people. SO tis pointless.
Anyway, I hated that dude. He pissed me for a year. Everyday i see that face in my mind, i smash my fist into something. Only nowadays, when I heard that he left, I rejoiced and he became a mere shadow that people hated, the females didn't really want to go there from what i heard. Bu anyway people, hate is a torture unto itself. It eats you away, burns you from the inside, makes you want to get revenge. One time ain't enough, many times over and over again would alleviate the pain. I gradually forget about him. He's just a mildly arsed guy to me now. A monster with no teeth. Six years of pain, forgotten in a year.
Sure, stabs of pain still plague me now and again but still, people asked if i would go back now he was out. I probably won't, too many bad memories, too many false accusations, too much anger.
Ain't good , hate that is. Passing that day of judgement of being kicked out, anger carried me through pain, now it burnt out, peace is with me. What would you do? Walk the dangerous line between light and dark, the path of twilight?
No, I think I see a dawn.
Monday, May 12, 2008
SYF, Lessons, Megaman and Dota on PSP
r1 r23 l12 r4 l3 r47 l 35
you flip the pages of the holographic journal you have, r standing for right and 1 for one page and l for left and so on.
eureka, you see the author's face as he begins to speak more to you.
May 12
SYF draws near. This Wednesday too! Ahhhh I am flapping. I can really screw up neither can I truly make a difference. Sigh. tml is the full dress rehearsal, And i ain got a full dress.
On not-so-bright sides we miss lessons
My borther is playing megaman game, not much to say there but as usual, creativity runs in our family. he talked about dota being popular, I talked about PSP being popular. We both said. Santa Maria! What if dota was on PSP, it would be the most addictive games of all time. Gah. WE are barely game engineers, imagine what we could do! We could earn money! Lots and lots of it! Lots and lots of food!
anyway, life's not just that as per see. Anyway, its kinda funny, we had a multiple intelligence test, to see in a crude manner how do people learn best. Its kinda funny, 98% of the class got the intrapersonal intelligence. Means they stick to their morals, work based on attitude. Some got out of eight intelligence, 2 dominant ones.
whereas I got all equally balanced except for visual and spatial. Curious, either I am really that pro, or that guy forget my dominant intellect. Mischief. HAHA!
[laughs to his grave]
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ideas, Birthdays, Mother's day and an SYF
11 May
Ah, it was pearlyn's birthday, so I wrote a poem in a card for her. I can't exactly recall the poem but it was extolling something about her(no.. people, its not a love poem), but it was jolly good, something that actually got through. Hmn, who knows, the winds of change are blowing.
Then there was this hectic SYF preparation. Hoom hoom. I wear something that is utterly nerdsville. Shirt, pants and black shoes and a blazer provided by the teachers That's what I have to be portrayed as. Sharon remarked that Arthur said that is my normal gear. What can i say? Naw, I wear bermudas and t-shirts. for informal occasions. Anyway, I don't really have a response but hearty laughter.
Ahh, laughter, medicine of the world. Anyway, today was Mother's day. What i did was t wish me mother happy mother's day. Mothers are good to have see? Love yoru mother's people.
I remember a saying. Never insult a man's race, religion and his mother.
That's all folks, nothing too complicated, nothing too scary. I must return to my comedies and computer games. Alack for the lack of homework.
[students charging at the author, he screams and runs]
Au revoir
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Physical Pain Putting Poise
7 May
Wow, today's wushu was very painful not to say in the least, we had to stretch with an upright posture which most teenagers care not for. Needless to say, it hurt like S***- whoops, I mean excrement. My tailbone feels a little weird and now I walk with my chest thrown out and my rear pointy. Actually that's what I did for two hours.
Enough graphic description lest it becomes R rated, for what? I don't know.
Joining Wushu to diversify my martial arts knowledge shouldn't be a bad thing. Well, no pain no gain. I never believed for a moment a taekwondo background would be helpful, at least there are similarities.
Anyway, why do I fight? A primal aggressive need to show strength? Survival of the fittest? Nah, not even remotely likely in this world of guns, who needs to learn to fight when you got a loaded AK-47?
Actually, not that it actually shows much unless you wanna apply to be a guard or bouncer. I don't have the arm size to show for it.
[display stick-like arms]
heh heh, disARMing eh?
[groans at bad joke]
Hah, I shall not prod thee with my rapier wit and disARMing personality.
[Author rides off to the sunset, his laughter is heard]
Ahhh, optimism, life's greatest thing for people.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
6 May
Ah.. words fail me, time and again. I find that conflict in the world often occurs arounds words and pride.
Well, things happen, especially if you for your own ego find it very hilarious to break others with words that is.
There's a reason why we have two ears and one mouth, to hear more than we speak, so that we understand each other more.
Is there a kind of irony when i am viewing Mind your language as well? I won't know. ANyway, i'm kinda aspiring to follow Ephesian 4:29 , not to let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but use to to build on the needs of others so that they can benefit.
Trying to be a better man is easier said than done when Cherie is such an easy target.
But still, words are cheap. I'll affirm it through my actions. Thats what honorable men do.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
En Garde. The things I do I even find them bordering on insanity
You find yourself facing a run-down empty semi-detached house, nevertheless, you are not going to be stopped by a little dirt here and there, you had already parked your vehicle a sizeable distance away and travelled on foot to another of the author's properties, hoping to find clues of his whereabouts whom your enigmatic employer hired you for. You took a deep breath and pushed the door, gritty with dust. The holographic journal of the author bleeps and alarmed, you look downwards and discover that upon entry into the property, you have unlocked another entry.
4 May
Heh heh, the title speaks for itself already eh? The things I do sometimes make me wonder if I'm nutty or not.
For example as you've seen from my exemplar record of giving birthday gifts. Charles M Schulz should include a feature of me, a guy who tries to be a birthday present giver, his plans never work. For example was Arthur's birthday. I drew him a comic and sent it to him via email.
By some eerie unfortunate circumstances, I saw him on the day of his birthday and he told me he seldom goes online. [Author beats his head] Let me not go mad. Let me not go mad.
Well, there's a physical fitness test that's on a nationwide scale. I'm not even worried. I guess its because I'm so screwed that's why I'm so calm.
And this blog received attacks. Or does it? Or perhaps people laugh? I frankly don't care. Yeah, there's that comment some person made about a perceived attack on them from me. I remember bits about knowing oneself.
Hmn. how should I say this, there's a character profiling method my literature teacher in secondary school taught us its a four boxes thing, one that others knows about a character and the character knows about it too. the other is blindspot of a character which others knows but the character, the another one is the character's inner knowledge about himself which no one knows and lastly the hidden part of the chracter which no one knows about.
My point you say? That its very difficult to know yourself for what you are, most likely even if you think you are a well-rounded person, you show shallowness instead. So its difficult to say whether those a person know himself or others know him.
Well, back to a heartless guy. I saw a couple of ex-classmates at a library today. I barely registered their presence and faintly acknowledged it. What do you expect me to do? Go hug and cry like a wuss? And what would you threaten me with? That when I die I'll regret it? What bull****!whoops, i'm not supposed to curse. Lemme change my words a little, what cowdung!
[Raucous laughter from the author]
Same for my skipping or church to go for the play. I admit it, it didn't really sit well with my stomach to miss church, even for which there ain't no excuse for it, which I cannot be excused from. Okay I sinned. Blizt me [the skies roar] HEY! WHAT WOULD YOU WANT ME TO DO! I"M FRIGGIN SORRY ALREADY!
I smell food. Ooo, its dinner, suddenly everyone in my head who are arguing over this misconduct of mine quieten down for recess. Damned bas****, whoops, i'm not supposed to curse, lemme change my words a little, condemnable illegitamates!
[Raucous laughter]
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Routine, comfortable, easy and irritating at times
1 May
May beckons. Today is labour day, it is why I could speak. Anyway, i suspect blogging at more than once per week is a little too much. I suspect I may have to cut down soon.
While I munch on some delectable grapes, it kinda reminded me of rising food prices now around the world.
Price of rice shooting up. The asia's poor hard-pressed to cope.
Then I open my economics textbook to study, I see the case study of European Union's agriculture price controls to ensure farmers do not suffer from fluctuations in price of food. They get over-production.
Open TIME magazine; the negative impact of growing corn for biofuel industry.
The urging of the school administration for over-zealous students not to throw birthday cakes for (obviously) birthdays.
At the same time, a charity-cum-logo design competition with World Vision(Christian charity organization to feed the hungry) was in the school too.
I think there should be a kinda twisted irony or someone up there is giving mixed signals. Either that or I'm on the entirely wrong channel. Or it could be a simple fact of just don't play with your food.
You know, its kinda routine now, for me to whine. I HAVE NOT ENOUGH HOMEWORK!
[Murderous students behind him]
heh heh. I was speaking to Zoe over MSN and she had this to say about my entries.
"So young and so untender?"
To rip off my good friend Loo Zhen Hao: "Aiyahhhh, Children nowadays." After all, I'm not very young, but to finish that rip off from King Lear, this is what I must rip off and slightly disfigure.
"So young, madam, and true."
Haw Haw Haw.
My brother got a strange swelling of the gums. No, people, its not scurvy. Well, if it were, it would be funny too. Anyway, he is in real discomfort. I pray he gets well soon, because its his exams soon.
In conclusion, the end.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's about life
29 April
April goes off soon. Project Work would move off to the next stage. I can hear the Jaws music.
[Author was swimming, he does's notice the black fins behind]
Anyway, two days ago, the whole extended family converged upon an aunt's house to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.

What do you expect me to say? Some insanely emotional speech? Some abstract philosophical thinking for happiness?
Naw. I won't say that. I just say its was a birthday worth going to(no, not just becasue of the food). What else could you expect? What else could I hope for? What else could I say?
I ain't gonna have me grandma for a long time. That I know. Live like I'm dying tomorrow. What makes you think I don't know that? I dun think I'm nutty to say I love me grandmother to ends of earth etc. etc. Neither would I be ultra-nostalgic. The past is worth for two-cents of a gaze into an unreliable crystal-ball. Losing yourself in the past is addictive in its escapism.
Well, you see the next picture, of a mildly attractive person. That's Yong Zhi. he posed for me, when we went to the above event.

His attractiveness pales in comparison to his brother. You look far enough, the brother is the regular good-hearted noble dude whose attractiveness I can describe to its injustice. You see a strangeness in his eyes. Is it the light of contentment graced to him by God? Or was it wisdom in God securing him? Perhaps hope and positive spirit inhabiting behind these pupils? I won't know.
Enough about my brother. Anything it was a funny thing today, Shaun remarked something about fooling me so I fill me blog with something else other than dissing Cherie on my blog.
Curious curious. After all, love is a highly irrational thing yet the most rational thing to do. We had for GP, watched a documentary called "Freedom to Marry", something about homosexuals marriage. I (no offense to people who are those people) just think it ain't love, but rather lust. Anyway, I don't care, its not my place or anyone's place save God to enforce anything. It wasn't particularly useful, it me own opinion for betterment of mankind, seeing that it ain't survivial of the fittest. No reproduction, means the useful genes the person might have passed on would not exist.
But like it was said, God is love, We should either love others or just perish. Without love, we ain't much but a bunch of animals scrabbling around. Maybe we already are.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
You sit on your couch, curling yourself as you read this author's holographic journal. You wait for a list of background information on the enigmatic target you now hunt. While you wait, you indulge in the expression of this author's reflections of his life
27 April
Many days have passed since my last entry, I supposed this frenzied entries are in a sense a form of expression of events, kinda like trying to bottle up memories that fade, yellow and distort over time. Its kinda pointless, but I try to do it.
I dunno, too little work for me I guess. Either that or for projects I am damned good at delegation or i'm too underchallenged. I supposed this is some kinda lull before a massacre. People complained about the amount of work they have. I supposed priorities must count[Project mates coming from behind with looks that can kill]
Anyway, for some time since, I fell a curious heaviness slung across my back, like a kinda plank, I turn around to touch it, only to find that its my bag.
You know, guilt trips are kinda funny things. Already, I felt so bad for delegating work to Jia Min, she worked till 1am to complete econs stuff. It was kinda sad. she was hysterical. when she send back the thing, I had to viciously edit it and type out the script all in a morning's work. I felt very sad.
But why was I so ungentlemanly as to do such a thing to someone who could tear me apart and who has a boyfriend that outweighed, outgrown, outmuscled me. Hey! I had to do SYF thing too. It was ridiculous, after a lull in practice, I found myself stumbling with the words.
Anyway, Cherie herself mentioned something about the disparaging remark I made when I called her the paperazzi and she now knocks me over my head with my bollocks in her blog. Grr.
C'mon, it was justifiable. I found her doing this. -.-

Thursday, April 24, 2008
To educate thee
24 April
April is burning away. I miss a friend from my secondary school and the secondary school structure. We would have had pulled a big prank like we did before. It was hilarious. But now, with unfixed classrooms, no partner, I fear my prankster in me wasted away. Instead, a birthday giver is born.
[Long line of people wanting their birthday gifts]
Haha, I probably would laugh at myself a year before for being Santa.
[Santa calls his union becase of foreign Santa]
Another guy's birthday is coming up, but this time round, I'm thinking of something durable, not my previous disasters. Then I had an idea.
[Doomsday music on]
How appropiate eh? Anyway, today was slightly hilarious for SYF drama. I didn't know how it cropped up, but the word blowjob came up and someone didn't know. How lucky. Innocence never lasts. To find it in someone above 16 its rare. Then again, everything is relative. What did I do you ask? No one really wanted to give a straight answer, I just gave it.
['Burn him' someone roars]
Hey! Its the truth! Who knew, the same person told the group maybe that's why there were flavored condoms. I admit it, I didn't know. Whether I care or not its up to you. The things people do nowadays. Tis strange tis strange.
[guy acting as Gloucester chases author for stealing his lines]
You chide me for saying this on a blog? You, hypocrites who whisper perverse fantasy about that? Wherefore should I stand in the plague of custom and permit the curiosity of nations to deprive me?
[guy acting as Edmund chases author for stealing his lines]
One thing you should learn from it all. From my near-lynched manner, you should learn that disaster comes from the mouth.
[Author opens his mouth, Japan is hit by earthquake, Indonesia is hit by volcanic eruptions, China is hit by droughts, Russia is hit by blizzard, USA is hit by hurricane, Author is hit by an angry mob]
Monday, April 21, 2008
Crap, I forget everything except to crap.
21 April
Today was a rather curious day. I had the strangest feeling of euphoria. Only to find that later, I forgot my tie pin required for assembly.=(
This day seems to be reserved for a let me forget to bring everything day. I forgot my pen(My only one) so I had to buy one =(. Ahh! How could I have been so careless to have forgotten my Chinese homework and history file. So I did the Chinese homework in school breaks while my history lesson, I looked quite dumb for bringing the chemistry file instead. I was freaking out with my unacceptable retardness and unprepareness. Well, I copied from the slides as much as I could for history. But today's history was a killer. Some smart dude decided that we must fill in blanks in the given essay during their presentation to prevent sleepiness. Real smart.
The only catch is, the amount we need to fill in is too excessive. It would be good note-taking practice but its a little too much.[stenographers and reporters disagree] C'mon, every paragraph there is five or six blanks that have sentences to copy down. We could be writing the entire essay!
Today's day was in a very bad taste for me, well, on the bright side, I completed my homework, that's why i could speak with you people. I even forget how to write letters, its kinda funny, my mother asked me how to phrase the letter to ask for a refund for a bill. I was nearly in tears telling her repeatedly how would I know. Its her job, her salary, her company. C'mon, I know teenagers are more empowered nowadays, but its slightly ridiculous.
Then again, forgetting things is an unacceptable thing for me. Although one friend of mine stated that it happens to people alot of times and in even bigger quantity than I do. I agree, no one is perfect save God, so people should be forgiven for the mistakes they make like forgetting. That means not harping on the fact that the person did wrong. We all would say, I never do that. But we have our blindspots, its hard for us to understand we have some traits left to be desired. So if one guy says you have a fault, be pissed with that guy, then forgive the meaness in his words, be friends with him and learn from the fault.
This is too much sidetracking, anyway, its alright if people fail sometimes. But, for myself, I will not forgive myself. For this action is unacceptable for me. My own forgetfulness to do what that is essential is unforgivable. I should not be by standards that accept failings are the way it is.
At least I didn't forget to go to the toilet to crap when I needed to. Yay. -.-"
Sunday, April 20, 2008
In a Hindsight
20 April
Okay, I know i know, I'm a little irregular in posting entries but then again, change is after all the only unchanged thing nowadays. =)

It was taken by Cherie, who is the paparazzi of our class nowadays, she takes even more pics than I do! I took in from her blog. So a recognition in advance.
This picture is taken and owned by Cherie, the handsome?beautiful? human being.No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
[You wonder why there wasn't any retching. Then you realise, it s plausible denialbility]
I suspect its a whimsical fancy of the dude's to stretch his?hers? legs. Well, All's done that the person in the picture is on the roof of the school?warehouse?army barracks? To name the person would be to get the person in trouble, which I would not try to do.
Moving on, I went to ACJC's performing arts centre for SYF drama. It was under construction, the exterior at least. The interior was like a normal theatre. Obviously. The stage is longer than the flat I am currently in. Maybe its because the flat is cluttered. Anyway, it was fun. At least projection had to be louder, steps have to be bigger, and lights were there too. The actors and I were going home, then not very long, I became the King of Anti-Climax! Yay! Every statement I made punctures the atmosphere. I am soo gonna get it from the others. Whoop!
Anyway, moving on the the deeper thinking part now. Don't groan.
[The author groans at wrong statement]
[Everybody leaves the lecture]
Hey! Don't go yet!
[Everybody leaves faster]
There's a reason why we find it hard to change ourselves for the better.
Anyway, change is a difficult, disorientating thing to do. I know I know, the saying goes 'the more things change, the more they stay the same', but for the purpose of today's discussion lets just not bring it to play here.
[A smart-aleck exclaims in wonder: Are we even discussing this?]
Okay, change can be anything, big or small, material or immaterial, internal or external. It had been(hopefully) the force to build us to better people. To illustrate this point that was taught to me, a friend volunteered.
In this case, let the change in his exterior be GOOD.

This is him before.

Then after the cell grp dressed him. this was he.
If he just went to his friends, his family and his errr... I dunno what, people would ask him why this change? It would probably lead to two distinct but slightly blurred outcomes. 1st, the skeptical, think-he-is-being-weird mode would be present in people's thinking and more or less put him off[One guy exhuberantly exclaimed his mother won't let him enter the house dressed in these] or his people around him would encourage him, solidfying his faith in that the change he did is good[Which in this event, we assume that it is]
People don't normally react well to change. They dislike it, preferring to stay in comfort of unchanged things. That's why, when we often try and be(telling ourselves on the inside) to be a better man(or for political correctness, woman) often, we don't hear very encouraging words or even feel its effect.
However, much as we can blame others for the inability to change becasue we don't spur each other on etc. etc. etc. but we often forget that change in the inside depends more on ourselves/God's assistance than others and how much do we want that?
Would we go to the extent of going down on our knees for this help like we do in our times of trouble? For we cannot expect to be paid for the apple and yet still eat it.
I ask of you people, mend your speech a little people, lest it may mar the kindness in this world. And of you, how much are you willing to do to be changed for the better?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Bleeding Insane Day
17 April.
Today was good ole Edwin's birthday!(not the cousin, but the church dude) I say I was quite pleasantly surprised when I utterly forgot about it and my phone rang out the preset alarm in class. Who knew that God would remind me?
Anyway, today it was pretty tense. I wanted to give blood[For the possibility of free donuts]. And I can't make up my mind if I'm arsed about by someone up there or not.
You see, I went to donate during my break. I filled up a form about sickness stuff. Then it was a friggin long queue to the medical officer, who was delayed because a guy fainted after giving blood. I was tense. There was a Chinese language test barely twenty minutes later. I was hopping in tension. After a brief talk, there was a test to see if enough iron was in my blood [strong electromagnet above author and sticks him to it.] Just so you know, it ain't a magnet, c'mon, iron in our blood exists as an ion! A test is just a test, it was to prick my finger and I bled a drop into a chemical. Then I had to go for the Chinese test. Grrr! I was so bleeding close to donating blood and I was bleeding in my finger for it too!
Well, what do know. As there was some talk by military people for people as us guys will be joining the army soon as national service. The teacher just said we could go when we finished the test. Test started around 2.30pm, I finished it in 3.00pm and left to donate. It was a leeway given to me. I wasn't about to get my fingers pricked today for nothing.
Even so, it took another hour till I was settled down. Rar!

I was jabbed twice, once by a small needle, another by a needle to take the blood. And it was bleeding cool. heh heh, I mean it every sense of the word.

I took the picture of the blood. The staff chided me for moving about so much[I was taking pictures!] when I was giving blood. Xuyao happen to also give blood and was next to me. I joked that it bloody hurts. I was chided for talking while giving blood. I was informed that the males who fainted were like this too, strangely enough no girls fainted. So much for male superiority. [A couple of big tough guys were behind the author, too bad for him, he can't afford to lose anymore blood]

Then I got a bandage that made me arm stiff. [The Egyptian Mummies rise from their graves to laugh at such a petty statement]

I drank milo, ate some raisins and got this.

when i went back, people asked if it hurt. I could not resist to exaggerate that it hurt like mad. Soem actually believed.C'mon, how idiotic can you get? I got a couple of iron tablets, but a joke was passed around the guys that it was Viagra. Haha, you give blood, your girlfriend enjoys at night eh?
Hopefully, the teacher would accept the excuse that I couldn't hand in my work early as I feel weak from giving blood.
['Early?" All classmates all give bloody looks]
Ain't it a bleeding insane day?
[End with a bloody knife raised above the author's head]