Monday, April 7, 2008

New Day, New Faults, New Beginnings, New Plots, New Hope

You race to the study with its hieroglyphic wallpaper to analyse it. You use your camera, taking many photos of the hieroglyphs and email it to an egyptian hieroglyph professor over MSN, hoping for a match. The professor sends you a self-sympathetic reply which require you to play with his vanity a little before he divulges. You do that and he happily sends you the translation.

It reads: keep, watch 2
Pissed off, you read off another entry, all of whom are arranged in chronological order.

7 April

Man, today was draining for me. Because of the fact that PC(Physical Coordination) drains. Doesn't help that all my effort seem to have went down the drain with my horrid history bit(In hindsight it seems inadequate) that I did for project work. ZZZZ

Under most circumstances, I woun't have bothered to listen to songs. Only because Elvin passed me the christian songs which I then listened to. It was invigorating. Only 1 word. WOO!

Necessity dictated that I need to learn my lines as Edgar by heart. Only problem? It wasn't particularly long, shortest in the play, but most drastic changes in those few lines. Eeee

Every day, when I kinda got Christ into my life, I feel amazed day by day. Kingdom Come and beat me up. For I say my accepting him made me a lot less angry at my failings, more willing to pray. Oh, a joke i c....
[You see a beam of light shining down on the author and a scroll descends from the skies. It was written in holy words which said Oh Really?]

Excruciatingly enough was that I forgot to tell you people, I changed my blog skin. So what do you think? Okay I know, it was edited, but you gotta admit, its good eh even for u?

Because this would have been quite an interesting day, it was made extraordinary by a new student in our class. Bad omen? Nah, don't be suspicious. I don't really know about the student, but I hope for her sake that she is not unattached, for my brilliance is such that, if I got a girlfriend, I would break too many hearts. It would weigh too heavily on my conscience TT.
[Puking heard]

Alrighty then, enough with the small talk. Only serious talk now.[Make serious face, then burst out laughing] That reminded me, the school was in the hall to listen to a guest speaker. she was an image consultant. For my serious face, I was picked and voila, my tie was too long. Who knew? To think I was wrongly dressed, eeeeeeeeee.

Responsiblity is now my topic today. Ordinarily, I would have spoken about things that never really related to me. But today, I tell you, I tell you everything. I did not do my responsibilty to my secondary school friends. The whole class agreed to go to some place to eat, but I utterly forgot about it. My utter bad. I feel kinda guilty for breaking my word. But I actually agreed to go its because to collect cert and testimony, but it was not the case, but take note, what i just added is rationalization. It cannot be discounted as utterly bad, but just think of it as a pebble thrown to your forehead which rationalization is the rubbing of the pain. It kinda hurts to have forgotten it and the disappointment my friends feel is bogging me down. I won't know how to say, but a listening ear helps. What do you expect? I'm not the guy with the answers. All i'm going to say is 'Thats all'

Seeing that I just beat myself up over this issue, its unimportant to forget especially that when one works in a group, if a group member's disinterested, what can we do? Keen as we are to do it, we can't exactly point a gun at their heads. [Immediately, an archer points his arrow at the author's head] Initiating a conversation with to them won't really work, they would zone out, or worse, give empty promises. Guilt-tripping them would probably not work to your favor. How then? Doing all the work is liable to kill people. I suggest complete trust in them, theoretically if you already expect them to fail, they already have failed. Take not, I said, complete, not blind, you just have to excercise good judgement. that's me advice 4 u

Exceeding my usual entries, I must turn to my pressing work. Secondary, they are to my true concerns over Jesus,family, friends and my plots. That's right. I missed a good pal's birthday (Apologises to Gideon) but Jeremy is next on the line. Muhahaha! Its a V for Victory.['Boo! Be creative!' says Churchill] Erp. Alright than, its a Victory that's lettered by a V.

You realise it refers to the second sentence. BOOKS BOOKS. It read. You realize that You need to find it in a book about egyptian hieroglyphs. It only makes such sense. You calm yourself down, you made the mistake by zooming into the study only to find nothing except a hint which the author seems to know you would go to. You try to finish the last entry to discover if there was another code inside.

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