Sunday, April 27, 2008


You sit on your couch, curling yourself as you read this author's holographic journal. You wait for a list of background information on the enigmatic target you now hunt. While you wait, you indulge in the expression of this author's reflections of his life

27 April

Many days have passed since my last entry, I supposed this frenzied entries are in a sense a form of expression of events, kinda like trying to bottle up memories that fade, yellow and distort over time. Its kinda pointless, but I try to do it.

I dunno, too little work for me I guess. Either that or for projects I am damned good at delegation or i'm too underchallenged. I supposed this is some kinda lull before a massacre. People complained about the amount of work they have. I supposed priorities must count[Project mates coming from behind with looks that can kill]

Anyway, for some time since, I fell a curious heaviness slung across my back, like a kinda plank, I turn around to touch it, only to find that its my bag.

You know, guilt trips are kinda funny things. Already, I felt so bad for delegating work to Jia Min, she worked till 1am to complete econs stuff. It was kinda sad. she was hysterical. when she send back the thing, I had to viciously edit it and type out the script all in a morning's work. I felt very sad.

But why was I so ungentlemanly as to do such a thing to someone who could tear me apart and who has a boyfriend that outweighed, outgrown, outmuscled me. Hey! I had to do SYF thing too. It was ridiculous, after a lull in practice, I found myself stumbling with the words.

Anyway, Cherie herself mentioned something about the disparaging remark I made when I called her the paperazzi and she now knocks me over my head with my bollocks in her blog. Grr.

C'mon, it was justifiable. I found her doing this. -.-

I do a little nose-tapping, wondering if it's a good thing after all. We have a kinda dead man's zone between us. We snipe at each other, trying to take down each other by a couple of notches. I told her in her face that she was selfish, and she cannot think on the big picture.
I tap my nose again. Was I too harsh? It was after all the truth. But I never do this to anyone else but my brother. Now now, people, dun you get any false ideas.
Maybe because I subconciously don't fear the silly girl, cos unlike Jiamin, Hui Lin or Zoe, she ain't got a guy to hamtam me. She ain't very tall either like Hui Qi[not the one in my secondary school, but junior college]
Then this contemplation shakes me, what if what comes out of my mouth is in a way a reflection of my inner demons.
I think, nose-tapping with random thinking for bits of plot in the book i'm planning to write is fun. All I got is alternating between book 1 and book 5. -.-
I'm sticking to me stance. I'm seeing it as I go.
Ah well, God be with you people. While you can, pray for others, while it may seem ridiculous to you, but... you never know.

1 comment:

Cherie Witchay said...

Hey-lo, I am not selfish by nature. I must clarify that I was too overwhelmed by the news that Chem test was in the afternoon, which it slipped my mind and that we get the once-in-a-lifetime chance of going home extra early that day. Yeah, I may put it like I cared only for myself, but I didn't try to mean it that way. I just felt like pouring it out, complain. Don't judge me like you know me very well... I'm not quarelling with you, I'm just trying to point out to you certain facts, well, about myself.